This cannot be true...right?

Some buddies and I are planning to go downtown and party Wednesday night. And some people just told me a lot of bars are going to be charging $20 covers!!! This is BS isnt it?

Thats why I go to the places where i dont pay cover.

nope thats right,
(almost as dumb as paying $1,000 for an x-box)

WTF it’s true? God damn!

umm ya

downtown on day b4 thanksgiving… expect to pay 20+ jsu tto walk in the door and drink prices will be out of control…

my recomdation… get someplace EARLY and stay put… or stay local…

it will be a ZOO downtown

$20 is nuts but people dont care, as long as they are booze hags, but i do like your streight out of the early 90’s sig

80’s man, 80’s :headbang:

well i was gunna go with that but i figured i would have seen that on someones shirt in 1991

Ya i went a couple years ago Darcy’s was Charging $20 and Soho $10 some are less and some are the stupid high, EVERY bar in WNY will be packed just take yer pick!

that’s goofy. everyone should just go out tonight :c )

Don’t even get me started

75 bucks at some places in the city

or just sit home and drink ur own beer, if u have to drink, im gonna be driving home late thur night, i hope all the people that drink and drive smash thier cars into ditches.

where is everyone going… since ill be in town…

whistle pig!

Did the DT thing a few years on wed b4 thanksgiving. It is a circus. No fun. Takes 30 min just to get a drink and everyone is up everyones ass.

I’ll be at home tying one on…Won’t be drivin and will save alot of $$$$.

24 pack Labatt Blue=$15.75
Downtown Buffalo Bars (and not scoring some tail)=$150.00+ one night
Getting DWI=$5000.00 Lawyer Fees,Fines

Staying home and puttin a good dent in the 24 pack, then crawling into my own bed…Priceless!

Is Canada the same way?

Last year I didn’t see many places raping people on covers downtown. They know they are going to get an assload of people down there no matter what, someone will still charge $5 and all the cheap bastards of Buffalo will just go there instead.

They always rape you the day before thanksgiving down town. I’ve gone down since I was 16. But not this year. Time to save some money.

downtown sucks…try a local bar or something