that's racist! v. NY senate

this is some BS.

During the first five months of this year, with the Senate under the control of its first African-American majority leader, [State Senator Malcolm] Smith, top Democrats bemoaned the lack of minority Senate staffers.
But instead of trying to recruit new hires, they fired nearly 200 almost exclusively white workers and replaced them with a large number of minority employees, many of whom were seen by their fellow workers to be unskilled at their new jobs.
The move produced severe racial tensions, made worse by the fact that, as a high-level Democratic staffer confided, “We’ve been told to only hire minorities.’

HAHAHAHA OMG! I’m sending this to my buddy in VA who didn’t get a job for the BPD cause there were not enough minority candidates

Oh jeez.

Haha I love the title of the article as it pretty much sums my thoughts up.

you used v. and not vs. !!! Yayyy for correctness!

Haha, that was my first reaction when reading the title too lmao.

I gave up on my crusade, worthy as it was.

This isn’t anything new. It’s been like this for a long time now. It’s just getting more prevalent lately.

It doesn’t matter for experience, it matters your ethnicity.

pot meet kettle… you’re all incompetent, so who are you to say they are not competent to do their job. If you weren’t all incapable of doing your job our budget wouldn’t look like it does.

so there really are retards running this state…who knew?

skin color…

(in light of the thread title :nerd:)

Black, white, yellow, green (Go Cpt. Kirk!) if you suck, you suck. So even if they try to use competence or ability to do their job (to hide racism) you better be on solid ground before you point fingers.

captain kirk was green?

wow, I would definitely have to drain my swimming pool after that…

so that’s why the state is about to go bankrupt… hmmmmmm

Affirmative action debate:

Ready? GO!!

oh god no.

This along side other things to be left unmentioned…cough.unions.cough…led to the downfall of industrial American business.

hehehe just kidding