The Best of Sean Connery

:bowrofl: " I’ll take the rapist for 400!"

I <3 BooBs


they forgot:
connery: Moooo
trebek: no i’m sorry, that’s incorrect
connery: well that’s the sound your mother made last night!

trebek: we would have accepted Bow-wow or ruff
connery: ooooh ruff - just the way your mother likes it Trebek!

haha… i used to have all those episodes… they’re friggin awesome

:bowrofl: sean connery FTW

cant watch it at work, no sound or flashplayer…but “An album cover” is a classic

They also forgot “I’ll take the PENIS mightier…” and the hilarity that ensued from that.


ah yes… they sure did…
‘you’re sittin on a gold mine trebek!’

:bowrofl: the best right here