The Best Worst Photos of Megaupload’s Kim Dotcom

Megaupload apparently wasn’t doing too bad for itself.

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He ate. Full size

He used his thumbs. Full size

He tried to eat Bruce Willis. Full size

He jumped on beaches. Full size

He pointed at girls in bikinis while simultaneously pointing at yachts. Full size

He held guns. Full size

He covered himself with alive female humans. Full size

He hung out with three girls. Full size

He watched movies on a portable DVD player. Full size

He jacuzzied fully dressed with several males and one female in bikini. Full size

He hammer-timed on the beach. Full size

He hammer-timed on a yacht. Full size

He threw parties with dancing engineers and software developers.

He did good steak impressions.

He hunted some ducks.
He drove cars.
He gave thumbs up to magazines with naked girl photos on them.
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His lived in a $30 million estate in New Zealand. Full size

He talked on the phone by blue sport cars.

He bathed with balloons.
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He drank juice on planes. Full size

He hung out on planes. Full size

He bathed in foam. Full size
He bathed in a lot of foam. He liked music.


We are playing in the wrong area of the internet apparently.

yea because they would of taken down the site if it was some poor asshole living in a studio apartment in the slums of some city. this was done the day after the blackout to someone making a good living off a largely legal internet website that some exploited for illegal pirating for a reason, so the next version of sopa/pipa which plays on but save the children and is way worse then either of those, will pass.

If you look at his history he’s been in trouble before and knew what he was getting into here.

Worked out good for him in the short term for sure however.

he is being used as propaghandi to pass the next form of sopa/pipa which will be passed as “what about the children”. that is all that matters. not how he lives, not what he has done.

You are right. It’s all about how they try to sell it to the public. Special interest parties view is clear. People in power don’t really care as they get paid and they are obligated to follow the money to a degree.

However the people opposing this now aren’t the ones that are going to be “sold” on letting internet liberty being under attack. General public however can easily be swayed by crazy accusations of people such as Kim Dotcom.

Like you said, its all being done as an example to “scare” everyone.
Crazy to think he had that much money, a helicopter on his front lawn, etc.

Following the money = corruption. They are by definition suppose to do what is in their constituants best interest or what they want as long as it does not go against the constitution unless we are amending it. The government is there to serve the people but sonewhere that was forgotten but it needs to be restored.

Well they have their villain now, the next online act will odds are pass. IDK why everyone saw the defeat of sopa/pipa as a victory. These “Victory’s” have always been short lived for over the past year.

Anon victories are extremely brief as well and when they “take down” dozens of sites.

This whole “war” isn’t going to be pretty especially when the only parties “fighting” for us are a bunch of disorganized, disagreeing computer “hackers”.

I read this yesterday… It was pretty interesting…

Good link, thanks for sharing.

The guy definitely had some big ideas, seemed like he could have fool proofed it a little better.

Wasn’t he mostly targeted because one of his servers was in US?

the site was estimated to be the 13th most visited site on the Internet, accounting for 4% of all worldwide Internet traffic. It boasted 180 million registered users with over 50 million visiting the site daily.

Jesus :wow