Whats going on with craigslist????

is it just me or is everyone unable to go on craigslist???

I tried to get on but its bringing me to some black page that says

STOP PIPA (Senate 968) & SOPA (HR 3261)

[COLOR=black]Imagine a world without craigslist, Wikipedia, Google, [your favorite sites here]… [/COLOR]

[COLOR=black]News Corp, RIAA, MPAA, Nike, Sony, Comcast, VISA & others want to make that world your reality.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=black]80 Members of Congress are in their sway, 30 against, the rest undecided or undeclared.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=black]★ ★ ★ Please take a minute to tell your Members of Congress you OPPOSE PIPA & SOPA ★ ★ ★[/COLOR]



Its a protest bro, the goverment is try to censor the internet

whos protesting against craigslist"News Corp, RIAA, MPAA, Nike, Sony, Comcast, VISA"? , I dont get it??

Are they gonna shut it down or is it gonna go back to normal?

On the bottom of the page is says to avoid the link click here . It’s still up man

craigslist (and a bunch of others (wiki, reddit, imgur, etc…) are protesting the proposed legislation.

will be back tomorrow

yea i saw the link after i posted and oo ok…

It’s like having a black president.

it’s not just craigslist, wiki is down too.

the government want to pass this bill to allow for the government to be able to tell us “the american public” what we can and can’t see online. similar to TV, this bill will be more strict against copyright laws or controversial topics or even swearing.

this type of bill could become something to end most forums as we know it, as well as most of the sites you visit on a regular basis.

example… no one could post on youtube anymore, a song of them lip syncing to a popular song. that would be a copyright law that would allow the US Government to remove that from the internet.

it’s similar to the patriot act, but cranked up to 11, and have a much wider wrath.

this is not a good bill to pass

Buy guns.
Stock up on ammo.
Prepare for Revolutionary War of 2012.
Fuck the Government.

The goverment needs to fuck off. This is getting ridiculous.


Load up kidsssss

A bunch of major sites shut their shit down to be get people to wake up and see what the internet would be like if these laws passed.

Shit ain’t cool, I’m sad that facebook, twitter, etc didn’t jump on board.

Facebook is probably getting paid by the congress/government that’s why :lol

really surprised facebook didnt do the same, they are the #1 site in the world and if they did the same as google and wiki then it would seriously help out.

SOPA is some fucking bullshit, hope it doesn’t happen, been hearing about it for years never thought it was a reality but i guess it is

sums it up well

Google also did this you can Sign the petiton at the bottom of the page.

definitely sign the petition

Welcome To The Internet

Its getting to the point where that might not be a terrible idea anymore haha


It is nice to know about current events from time to time, and Obama won the election and now he is the president…:rofl