Whats going on with craigslist????

when was buying guns and ammo ever a terrible idea?


Sign any petition you can and here in NY and take 5 minutes out of your day and call our states rep Paul Tonko, and just let them know you oppose bill HR 3261 or SOPA/PIPA

BTW the numbers 202-225-5076

Seriously call

between this and the bill that was passed on New Year’s Eve… were fucked.


“Mark Begich (D - AK)? His site’s down completely. Barbara Boxer (D - CA)? Her is loading like it’s hosted on a Palm Pilot. And yes, Patrick Leahy (D - VT), you who co-sponsored PIPA—your site is all the way down. Dead. Gone.”

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Been blowing FB up with shit about this all day. Really, if either of these bills get passed you can kiss Shift518 (and pretty much any other forum of any kind), reddit, facebook, youtube, google, etc. etc. goodbye.

Do as Shady said and sign the petitions and call our senators. Hell, write them a letter and send it through snail mail.

Desperate attempt on the government’s part to reduce the unemployment rate. Without sites like these, people might have to shut down their PCs and actually start looking harder for their destined career.

It would actually put many software and technology companies out of business, increasing the unemployment rate.

It is a desperate attempt by the film and music industries (who lobbied $94 million in support of these laws) to stop piracy

If it does pass it would be interesting what groups like Anonymous would do, against the government.

Probably some underground internet/networks

This. Holy crap. Get out more.

That is exactly what would happen, and those ‘secret’ nets would be way more dangerous than the current Internet

so what happens to sites that are based over seas? the us governement cant shut down a site thats overseas… so a website like idk a car forum in japan can’t have the plug pulled b/c its based in japan…right???

They don’t have to shut anything down, I think the bill holds ISP responsible, so it will get blocked by your ISP.

interesting…what about email?? if i email a dirty pic to a friend will it get blocked?

yeah , i mean let’s be realistic, if this really does get passed I think it goes without saying that there will alot of websites accessed by IP’s and not domain names/nameservers. There will alot of underground networks for sure.

It’s already going on, i mean we have had thousands of hackers gather at meetings that were busted by the feds plenty of times since the 90’s even.

You wont openly find websites about real hacking (credit card hacks / gov hacks) so this will be the same thing but for alot more

the end is near

It could remove youtube from the web completely if they wanted to using this law. I’m sure the politicians would be using this to make money shortly after. You would have to pay for the protection from the government bankrupting your company.


I called… Mailbox was full