The Bourne Ultimatum

Anybody else looking forward to this? Interested to see how far they stray from the book. If it’s anything like the first two… no Carlos, for one… and I kind of doubt the dude’s gonna be in his fifties :clap:

Still, awesome movies so far, gonna rewatch the first two tonight :tup:

Excited is I for this movie.

i still havent seen the second one yet. i better get on it.

when does ultimatum come out?

I think Friday. That’s when I’ll be seeing it, anyhoo :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, i really want to see this.

If someone wants to bring me to the drive in i’ll put out…but you have to pay for popcorn.

i think i might.

I’ll be going to see it; I love the Bourne series of movies.

I tried reading the Ultimatum… but I just don’t like Ludlum’s style of writing; my brain doesn’t like to comprehend it as well as other authors; took me hours to get through like the first couple chapters when I stopped reading. I can get through an entire Dan Brown or Dale Brown book in the time it took me to get through just those chapters.

ya def , such a great series so far

huge bourne fan :tup: cant wait to see this


I’ll be going to see it; I love the Bourne series of movies.

I tried reading the Ultimatum… but I just don’t like Ludlum’s style of writing; my brain doesn’t like to comprehend it as well as other authors; took me hours to get through like the first couple chapters when I stopped reading. I can get through an entire Dan Brown or Dale Brown book in the time it took me to get through just those chapters.


sorry, when i read this i was like well the dan or dale brown must be either a pic book or just have alot of pics…

i tried to read the book, also. but i had to leave b&n…


huge bourne fan :tup: cant wait to see this



Dale Brown wrote Flight of the Old Dog, right? The B-52 with the V tail?


Oh yeah, i really want to see this.

If someone wants to bring me to the drive in i’ll put out…but you have to pay for popcorn.




i want to see this movie also.


I can get through an entire Dan Brown or Dale Brown book in the time it took me to get through just those chapters.


No offense, but that’s because Dan Brown is the worst author ever, he seriously writes at a 1st grade level.

If you want to experience “difficult reading” pick up a book by James Joyce

cant fucking wait:ohyeah:


the trailers look sawwetttt


sorry, when i read this i was like well the dan or dale brown must be either a pic book or just have alot of pics…

i tried to read the book, also. but i had to leave b&n…


No, I just read really fast with most things; even text books during college… Yea, Dan Brown is a very easy read.

And yea, Dale Brown writes about mostly Military things and the B52s were a large part of a bunch of different books.

And I personally like the easy reads, I’ve got enough “challenging” reading at work with Military, Aerospace, and Customer specifications that are fun enough to decipher.

ill be seeing it with 87fox sometime on friday, cant wait!

ughhhh… I can’t stand the series :lol: all based off of the name schtick (corny?)

I just want to lol