The Caz 13th Annual Car Show pics

Ok, coming from an ex-ricer, I can say having a ricey car is fun when you dont understand what you are.

I dont think anone outside the “rice” (show or whatever you want to disguise it with) community, thinks altezzas, pounds of bondo and boeing wings are cool.

Yes I admire what some of these people do with their “body work” but for the most part there is no possible way someone can justify making a neon look like anything more than a neon.

Now 3 years later form decisions I made (mostly out of lack of knowledge) I am embarassed to say I rocked a body kit, but I have grown up and personally think that all these ricers should too.

I believe there should be room for aftermarket body modifications that are openly accepted, but not when they cost more than the cars value itself.

If your gonna call that much attention to yourself be prepared for some of it (or in this case most of it) to be negative.

There was no reason for any defense in this post of these people, these are cars that contadict the “norm” and the accepted on these boards.

bondo ftw, and crashing cars…:bloated:

o and blowing them up because of too much money in bondo rathher than changing your f*cking oil

My car was pretty riced at one point, but then I came to my senses and realised that the clean look is alot better. And yes my car does get attention. one of the reasons I want to get rid of the stripes.
My car will be on the road once I figure out megasquirt and get a wideband that works.


base model, um no its a fuckin R/T too u dip shit

assclowns? dont classify ur fuckin pos in the same cat. as a show car u fuck head. if u were to take your car to a show and compete with that neon he would blow u out of the water no matter what u got done 2 under the hood. having a nice car isnt jus makin it fast and havin rust holes in it. at least make ur car look some what decent.
you are all jus jelous that when your driving down the street no one even looks over at you, gets stopped places b/c NORMAL people are very interested in what they have done to them. those cars are hot FOR SHOW CARS. im sure if they wanted fast cars, they would make them fast.
just cuz u have different taste doesnt mean that there peices of shit. and im sure that theres going to be 1000 commments back saying "that cars a pos, garbage, blah blah… dont even waste ur time no one wants 2 hear it. no one is going to be like omg that kid stuck up 4 u omg he so kool. keep ur comments 2 ur damn selves.

and to anyone that says “dont do ur car for someone else, do it to satisfy ur self”
theres a difference between someone having an opinion about your car and people making a 8page post how much of a pos u think it is.


Please stab yourself in the heart. Of all the heinous posts in this thread, I think you’ve topped them all.


Please stab yourself in the heart. Of all the heinous posts in this thread, I think you’ve topped them all.




Wikiepedia said:

[edit] Terms

“Pimped” cars are usually referenced to classic cars.
“Streeted” or “Tuner” cars are Japanese imports, such as a Toyota Supra or Lancer Evolution series, these cars are most commonly modified with the more expensive mods available. The most popular modifications include suspension upgrades, exhaust systems and turbos.

“Ricers” are stupid people with slow cars which sports many stickers/ugly body modifications. Like a blue neon with a tv in the hood for example.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

omg how did i miss this thread? its pure gold.



omg how did i miss this thread? its pure gold.



the speed is getting good lately, but im sorry i missed this comedy gold. BTW what was with the neon guy’s signature. NY speed ruined his relationship?

that neon guy isn’t one of the owners of the super haggard ones.

i think he’s an alright guy…





How did I miss this…

:lol: @ Xeon

:lol: @ Blue neon

If you constantly have to try to fight people because of your car and defend your car every where you go…you might start putting pieces of this puzzle together…

i also do not know how i missed this

waa waa wee waa


I think was my first drama thread I started. Do you really think any car show thread usually gets over 1, maybe 2 pages? :bloated:


Actually, you started the thread, but im responsible for the drama by posting that picture below a huge W.T.F. lol


you are all jus jelous that when your driving down the street no one even looks over at you, gets stopped places b/c NORMAL people are very interested in what they have done to them.


The biggest reason that car gets the attention it does is because people can’t believe their fucking eyes.


Saw him today on walden turning into the mall with a riced out flat black cavalier tailing him. He had the stock hood on tho so either he came to his senses, noticed people were mocking his car on the forum or is now getting it painted.


nah…he probobly has the “sweet” hood folded up in the trunk or something. Prolly only slaps that joint on for the “shows”.

Wow … that was a fun 9 pages :slight_smile:

intraweb drama FTW!


you are all jus jelous that when your driving down the street no one even looks over at you, gets stopped places b/c NORMAL people are very interested in what they have done to them.


Ha, personally i get more looks in my BMW than i did in any of my cars and/or my friends’ riced POS way back when. So nice try buddy. i bet most cars on here get more looks and talkings about because of how nice they are and not that they are riced out.

That neon is that way to grab attention … well here is 9 pages of attention for that poor kid to read about :smiley:


Ask anyone, I have no difference in my demeanor online and in real life.

Sober, or drunk.


I’m calling BS on sober or drunk :smiley:

edit: also this thread is ridiculous on so many levels, only reason I am posting is in hopes that I also get called a sack rider just for posting something that does not carry the sentiment of “I’m tough in person and I’ll beat your ass if you make fun of my rice”

[quote=JuicedGT;575378]Actually, you started the thread, but im responsible for the drama by posting that picture below a huge W.T.F. lol

Damn Mustang owners… Going to get my ass in trouble.
Who would have ever thought a hey, check out these car show pics would turn into a 10 page thread about a Neon hood :bloated:


“I’m tough in person and I’ll beat your ass if you make fun of my rice”


cue tuffchino.jpg