The Contender
Anyone watch this show? I just caught the last episode and im hooked. Pretty damn good show If i do say so myself.

I havent seen it yet but i seen on tv the day before the show started the one dude killed him self

Stern was talking about it today… i think im gonna start watching it

i like it, i caught the last 2 and its definitely pretty cool

the one that was on fox a while back with de la hoya wasn’t that good so i figured this would be just as bad??
Plus i’m sorta sick of reality TV…except the amazing race

i havent seen it, but I cant imagine its anything but pure faggotry. aside from a very small few, reality television BLOWS.

I’ll watch the UFC version of “Contender” that they have on Spike. the celebrity fatass show is watchable. and Airline is decent too, just because its fun to watch people bitch and cry when they dont get what they want.

i’ve seen it once or twice…but only cause i like biz & ralphy

Airline is funny…whats that on…discovery or travel or something…there are mad drunk people getting rejected from flights.

speaking of people not getting their way…ever peep the nanny shows…talk about bad ass kids & bad parents…sometimes i want to jump into the TV & dish out some ass woopins both the parents & the kids.

yah you see when Baldwin, admited to being on all kinds of drugs… Who didnt see that coming…

The Ultimate Fighter > *

didnt one of the guys from the contender OD after the show was finished being taped?

Airline is on A&E

i heard that one of the guys waxed himself in the parking lot right after taping of the show… :dunno:

the best is when they make some fatass pay for 2 seats. thats hilarious.

The guy did kill himself. The story from what I heard was… A guy on there for the West challenged a guy from the east. “duh!” But now the interesting part. The guy from the east was rated like the best in the world or something in pro am. The guy from the west was just starting out. And he kicked the shyt out of him, guy from the east couldnt handle it and killed himself.

i think we need cutty for this conversation