The Everlasting "Who's going to LVD" Thread

Hes said quite a few times, when he gets a chance to get there he would run you there. Kid is getting married and has other obligations. Id love to run you from a dig sometime this year.

Why are you sucha pussy and can’t run me at LVD where the score board SHOWS the times so no bullshit gets made up? I’m sick of all this im faster then you shit. It’s pretty sad that a FWD turbo honda has to call out the V8 RWD with spray to the track. Show up at the LVD and be a man about it. Please dont give me that you dont have time story because your always on here, so i’m sure you can make it at least 1 time on a Wednesday or Saturday. Your saying that doing 150+ is dumb? so starting off at 20mph on the highway and going to 130 is a smart thing to do?

Lets just settle this. Show up at the track and let the shit talking go from there…


Nope. I said sometime this year before its done

You really should lay off then dude. You are that back seat driver that has the sickest car that will be done in a few weeks. Stop bench racing

hahaha calling me a pussy, great start!

Im getting married in 3 weeks you fucking idiot. Do you think I want to spend the money to go to the track at this point? I have already been there this year. Its not really a priority when im trying to get on with life, to go dump $200 on a night to run at the track. You have no fuckin clue man.

there is nothing wrong with doing 20 rolls at 1am when were the only cars on the highway.

go back a few pages and read my post. I am going to a track rental in october, which is AFTER my wedding. Until then, you wont see me there. I havent even been there to spectate.

cut the shit.

You really shouldnt talk seeing as your turd wasnt on the street for over a year. I never said anything about being the fastest. When did i ever even mention my car?besides saying id run you before the end of the year at the valley like you ladies want because you wont on the street.

i might run my focus again lol. trying to become a better driver before i build it

So i’m a fuckin idiot because I don’t know or care about your little personal life? Hah wOw! All I ask is stop the hatin’ on me and my brother for no reason. We know we are hated by 99% of everyone on here. Trust me, it goes both ways and I don’t mind it staying this way. When you want to run at the track let me know. You have friends that know how to get ahold of us when you are ready.

Please explain my turd not being on the street for over a year? Sweet, we will run where all the racers do. They must be ladies too huh?

stop the hating on you?

you guys had a circle jerk fest after I blew seans doors off, 8 runs in a row about how my car is a pos, I cheated, bla bla bla. Shit goes around in circles. It came back to me.

why do you think Im being such a prick towards you two?

sean was talking shit about my car and wanting to run me before we even lined up! His friends were coming to me and telling me. Then after I proved him wrong, he continued to talk shit to the wrong people still! and it got back to me again. The kid went as far as telling people at his work, that he killed a white camaro SS. it was pretty funny when his Boss showed some of his co workers the videos… I am not sure if it was you, your brother or some other kids that were out that night but I have also been told by several people some others were saying shit.

so I take it you retracted your “in seans replacement rematch from a 60 roll” then?

And then he ran a spectacular 12.4 at 120.

12.3 at 125. Drag radials first time ever at the track and pump gas

and whose the clown with the eclipse saying my car is a pos? LOL

The DA bros are actually really nice and seem to be good kids… I agree True Street is kinda cheesy and this conflict is really amusing… but damn ha

since when does it cost $200 to go to LVD?

fill bottle. $70

gas for a gas guzzling V8 there and back $50

entry fee’s and food, etc. etc.

last time it cost me $1300. Trying to prevent such costs before the wedding…

why dont you just do both?? i dont get it? maybe i missed something here. why cant you run on the street? its ALSO PRETTY SAD THAT THE RWD V8 HAS TO CALL OUT YOUR FWD TURBO HONDA FROM A ROLL… YOU HAVE THE ADVANTAGE! WTF is the problem? this shit is ass backwards lol. but like you said, it goes both ways…that includes the excuses

its not that he was saying it was a POS he was saying its just not your average sunday car…8 to 9 second, tubbed rear with big slicks, wheelie bars and all motor.

I don’t care what was done/said with Shawn. I’m not him. I just want his 60 roll. Since you BLEW his doors off from a 60, whats the issue? Why do you need to go lower such as a 20,40? from a 60 is will show the faster car. Since you know I don’t hook lower then a 60 why cant we make it even and start from a dig? Like I said I cant belive i’m trying to dig race you and im being told a 20 roll on the street…?