The F U H2 Site


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:yum:hummers my wifes the best!

fuck h2’s :rofl:

pics to prove

she wont let me

yeah I hate those fuckign things too

Im gonna show that to Bobby wright tomorrow :rofl:

“The H2 is a tax loophole. Under Bush’s new tax plan, business owners can deduct the entire cost of their $55,000 H2. If you are in the highest tax bracket, that’s a tax savings of nearly $20,000! The government rewards you more savings for buying an H2 than you’d get for buying an electric car”

hahaha if you can write all that off in one year i am buying an infiniti Qx next year… yeah loopholes for me :bowdown:

edit: does anyone know any decent accountants i gotta find out if i’m eligible for this shit.

accountant schmountant, just do it. what’s the worst that could happen?

:jail: :gaysex:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

h2=tahoe with cargo pants…

them main reason i don’t like them is cause of the people who own them are asses & think its some big deal that they own it…no it a tahoe…go get a real hummer(h1) then come talk to me

so i saw a h3 the other day … very ugly

tha funny thing about the H3 is that its built on the Colorado frame. so basically it’s an S10

yeah but for some reason i think it looks Jeep liberty-ish

its just another piece of shit from GM that will come back with a 100 TSBs and Recalls

same here


its basically a new blazer, like mine, just twice as much money.