The Fast & The Furious 3 TD

i know there is already a post for a meet @ regal… But cops and idiots are gonna be everywhere on transit, so im thinkin of the transit drive-in. I went to the meet for the F&F 2 at the transit drive in and it was a good time with a huge turn out w/no cops/accidents or drama… so thats where ill be whos in?:tup: Weather permitting!

Hmmm that would be tons better than regal. Hopefully all thre ricers won’t spin rocks on my car. Definatly camera worthy though to capture the chaos. :tup:

transit drive in after 2f2f they had a road block on transit down by bucks after

I can’t believe people are actually going to see this movie…

why not? its got cars in it. as “bad” as the first 2 are, we still watch them lol

i would only go to laugh my ass off. if it was up to me i would make it a comedy

Just because cars are in it doesn’t mean much to me…it’s like going to see a movie that promises to have topless girls in it…only when you get there they’re the fat and ugly kind that try to be hot. I have a negative attitude towards F&F simply because of all the shit cars that seemed to blossom after those movies came out.

besides for that god awful eclipse from the last one i think the cars are sweet for the most part. i think i download it

but theres always a couple good one liners that come out of it haha i don’t go expecting to see a good movie, i go expecting to laugh :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll give you that…I just get pissed when I see how fake alot of that movie is and how ‘badass’ the cars are supposed to be. Plus, Bow Wow is in this new one…is he even 16 yet???

true, i couldnt beleive when i seen he was gonna be in it :tdown:

Haha, this movie is going to be so bad. And lil’ bowwow in tokyo :bloated:. I though he died… or something.

“your lucky that hundred shot of nos didnt blow the welds on the intake manifold”

“I need the big one,no make it two. And harry, i need them tonight”

LMAO such horrible crap.

No thats just what we all hope for.

I might go just for the spectacle, Once the date comes closer, pick a time.

when does it come out?

and come on, if we didnt all see it, where would we get our funny ricer quotes from

“18 nigga makin more than your dad”

so hes 18 then.

" make your own damn popcorn!"
" now me and the mad scientist gotta rip apart the block and replace the piston rings that you fried"

i could go on but thats enough for now haha

There was this kid in my high school whose senior quote was “I live my life 1/4 mile at a time” funniest shit ever…tool

Find a date and time for the drievin, also i need directions, since some of us rochester folk dont know where it is