New Fast and Furious 4 pictures

yaayyyyy Jordana Brewster yayayyyyyy

so far looking better than 2 or 3…

though when I saw pics for 2 I thought it might actually be good, boy was I wrong!

'70 SS from the end of the first one. This is a prequel, I take it? '70 B-body he wrecked in the first one is one of the pics.

Yet, apparently, there’s an R35 in it? :bloated:

Meh, I’m sure I’ll end up seeing it anyway…

Everyone that denies seeing it will go see it.

Stupid or not they are fairly enteraining movies and there is a reason 90% of people on here quote them from time to time.

Looks good…and the companies wouldnt make and produce the movie if they didnt think there was an audience.


maybe this one will have a domestic that doesn’t get wrecked…first time for everything

they did have a nice lineup until i saw that riced hatch

can’t detail a car with its cover on

Everything in that post scares me. I only watched the 1st because my friend had a demo-copy that he popped in the dvd-player. The 2nd I refuse to watch, I will leave the room if someone puts it on. The 3rd I watched because my friend said there was actually some good drifting in it, which there wasn’t. The 4th I will also boycott.

People actually quote one of the worst movie series ever composed? That just blows me away.

And lastly, the reason why people watch them is because there are millions of idiots in this country that do exactly what these terrible movies show. It sickens me but I honestly didn’t believe 90% of this forum was comprised of them.

All I have to say is thank GOD the 3rd one didn’t turn everyone into a drifter like the 1st made everyone a ricer.

IB4All the haters end up seeing it anyways.

I know I will.


well at least both the gays are back in it …the chick it hott

ya im an illiterate idiot. i live my life via fast and furious and want to live my life a 1/4 mile at a time :roll2:


you know i think btwn all of us on here we can typr out the whole F&F1… dont lie you know u can

my son loves all 3 movies i watch all at least 2 time a week

I will probably go see it. I will admit it.


Deny it all you like…but at the end of this…somebody better go fetch my car.

hey, im not on your turf anymore. you dont talk to me like that

Hey man…I never narked on nobody…never narked on nobody.

i have to go find jessie

put the gun down or ill call the cops

YOU are the cops

jetta pulls up

bikes come

speaking about that does anyone rember the NARC game for the 8 bit NES

can’t wait… the more I look back on it, the first one was pretty good… the second and third were entertaining, but sucked.

we can start at the very beginning.

“my car toped out at 140 this morning… …that’s it, i need these, i need naws”