You cant do video messages but if you are jailbroken you can brose the forums and get swirleymms working to send picture messages
Make sure you add picture messaging to your account.
You cant do video messages but if you are jailbroken you can brose the forums and get swirleymms working to send picture messages
Make sure you add picture messaging to your account.
Incase anyone hasn’t done so, you can get your replacement USB adapter sent to you and a prepaid envelope to send the old one back.
welcome to last month
and anyone have that enigma game?
so fucking hard im stuck on LVL 2!!!
Well they talked about it but you had to wait to do it for a few weeks. I forgot about it but I need to get my headphones replaced and saw it so just a FYI if anyone forgot about it.
lol i sent mine in already
I have an unhealthy addiction to the ESPN Cameraman game. I love it.
Also, google earth is pretty sweet. :tup:
Ya ESPN Camera man game is awesome. I wish they had the adult photohunt version too so I can see nudies on my phone.
What is the latest and greatest in jailbreak tools? Quickpwn? What build are we up to?
I dont care as much about sending as recieving without entering a dumb code and i have to keep looking back in forth to see.
Find gQStatus on’s forums. He has a post and when he gets back on track, you can email him your info and install swirlymms and get picture messaging. It works on mine great. I know what you mean about the messages that make you go to the shitty website to type it in. It sucks.
I downloaded the MxTube and now when im on the internet and try to watch a video it says click to download or watch in the media player but only the first time i go to watch a video it works correctly, then if i go back and look at another video i cant see anything it only plays sound. is there away to fix this? i uninstalled the app once and the internet is still messed up from it sorry if this is hard to understand.
No its a bug in the Safari DL Plugin. You can remove it if you want.
I like MX tube becuase you can download the high quality version of the youtube videos and not the shitty quality one you stream over the cell network.
Ya i like downloading the stuff too, but i dont like the bug, is there away to fix it, and keep the Mx Tube?
EnigmO…yes, one of the best games for the iphone.
I play it casually on the train, I’m up to Level 42. You must have fat fingers.
had that problem with appshare/installous
If I wanted to stream audio/video to the phone, it would give me an error saying that it couldn’t d/l the stream or something. I’d have to remove appshare when I was finished, then reboot, to get that ability back. Oddly enough, I forgot to remove it last night, after using appshare, and it magically lets me stream audio again.
strange shit
Does MX Tube rely on the Safari DL Plugin? I dont think so…do you have dtunes or something installed? That is a requirement for it.
nope, totally independent
News is that the 2.2 firmware update is november 21st
Also I found iFunBox which allows you to transfer music off your iPhone and iPod Touch without iTunes and work on the filesystem. Pretty cool. Jailbreak is not needed either.
Nope i only have MxTube. It works fine for the first video i try to watch even though it always ask’s me to download or play it in media player, so i click media player watch it fine then go to look at the 2nd vid and i click media player again but it doesnt rotate the screen so its the small vertical screen and i dont see anything but a black screen and i hear sounds but… What do i have to remove inorder to get it to work properly? I have to keep resetting my phone inorder to watch the vids on the site’s. Thanks
Remove Safari DL Plugin if you want to fix it. YOu probably will have to remove dTunes too.