THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

mine doesn’t feel as responsive as my old 2G. The 2G phone used to “click”… the 3G doesn’t really give any feedback when you press it

Downloading 2.2 right now. Will report back when our horrible internet connection here at work finally finishes.

Not much exciting in 2.2 BTW

Installed 2.2, drama free. Apps still work, don’t really see much different. Like the feature that jumps you to page 1 of your home screens if you click it from any of the other home screens.

I guess it crashed a co-workers phone though. He had to do a restore to get it working again.

installing now

i just got my iphone in today, so what do i need to unlock it…i downloaded winpwn 2.5 what else do i need?

unlock or jailbreak?

edit 2g or 3g?

first, upgrade your firmware to 2.1 via itunes. DO NOT (I repeat, DO NOT) upgrade to the 2.2 firmware

download the 2.1 FW here for 3G or here for 2G

plug your phone in and backup all your contacts and shit, ignore any message that says you need to upgrade it. After that is said and done, plug your phone into your computer and hold “shift” and click the “restore” button in itunes, then find the firmware file that you just downloaded.

I can’t stress this enough, make sure that you’re using the proper firmware. Itunes will let you know if it’s not correct, but the jailbreaking software wont (or at least, don’t rely on it to).

Firmware file name structure from apple:
iPhone1,1_2.1 = 2G
iPhone1,2_2.1 = 3G

Then download Quickpwn 2.1 HERE

Then download these 2 files
Here and Here

unzip all 3 packages to the same folder (all at the base level directory) and then copy your apple firmware into said folder.

From there, just run quickpwn and it will do the rest.

NOTE: that you do have to do some shit manually during the process (putting it manually into DFU mode and picking options as far as boot image and shit). You will also need .net framework 3 installed

good luck

check this out. It shows you how to put your phone into DFU mode (don’t do it), so you know what their asking for when you have to do it. It’s kind of confusing because you have to start by holding a button for X seconds, then press and hold another for X more seconds, then release the original button but still holding the second.

Will 2.2 fix the Safari crashing every two minutes problem?

lol doubt it

apple seems to have a problem, they give you everything you don’t want and very little of what you do want

Yeah where the fuck is my turn-by-turn GPS, god damn it!

yeah no shit.

fuck, I’d settle for bluetooth data transfer or even copy/paste

Or how about Muilti meda text messaging?

lol really… did you see my post on the last page? looks like we might finally get it, but it wont be through ATT (and will have to buy an app to do it)

Ya i suck, and i misspelled “media” i also wrote a patient has Bumbness instead of numbness at work, im no rocket scientist! lol Well i really hope so, what happens if a girl wants to send nudes and i got to keep typing in a code that would suck!

so i hope they do fix this :slight_smile:

IB4 boxxa posts his phone is broke again.

No I am not upgrading. Too many updates and lock outs. They update the mobileinstallation, baseband and a few other key components.

Ill stick with 2.1 and keep my cracked apps. I dont really care about street view.

Also, if you ever plan on using your 3G on another network using a software unlock in the future, you can kiss it goodbye with 2.2 update.

All dev team work for the unlock to use on another network is on the old baseband version.


btw, monkeys ball is down :tdown:

not a 3g for sure but how can you tell if its a 1g or 2g cause i bought it from a friend and he dont know.

also i dont have access to those files cause i have not been “activated” yet on there