THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

im surprized a new phone will be available before MMS… good thing i dont have a contract currently with ATT. i might have to get the New Iphone with a 2 year.

Ya I was talking to my friend who is at the WWDC in Cali and when they said that when 3.0 comes out, MMS will be supported on all the carriers in other countries but not ATT until later the summer people were making a lot of noise and when they said that teathering would be available on carriers but ATT has not supported it yet people went crazy.

the day after I turn 30, the 3GS releases and will be mine. (my first beyond regular cell phone)

They announce pricing on the new iphone? Hopefully it will be similar to the 3g one.

It sucks that the early upgrade price on the 32gb model is still $599. I want a 3g S, but I’m not willing to pay the $200 early upgrade fee! One would think that AT&T would at least allow the early upgrade for existing iPhone 3g customers to be 12 months out instead of the normal 18 months.

Just sell your 3G on ebay. People will pick it up still.

I have been reading more and more and still wondering if I want to pay the extra to upgrade. I mean there is a lot a like. Is the $200 upgrade really worth the voice commands and 1MP better camera?

also what if they increase the cost of the plan for the phone, like how they did for the 3G.

They won’t.

With the shit ATT pulled with not supporting MMS and tethering at launch, people would blow up the ATT headquarters if they tried to raise the plan cost.

i Have unlimited Texting and internet but lowest minutes with roll over and i pay like $94 a month, how much is the 3G plan?

I have 900 min with rollover, 3G data, and unlimited texting and its $120 i think after taxes. I have a 20% discount and my bill is 101 a month. I think the cheaper minute plan is 450 min with roll over and its like 59.99 a month with unlimited data + $20 for unlimited texting

this “new” iphone is a huge disappointment, nothing really changed

what??? no. it’s like twice as fast, more memory, more battery, better camera, built in compass, etc etc…

sorry that it doesn’t cure world hunger, lol

so they will probly go for $199.99 with a 2 year contract? I could sell my old Iphone and get a new one then :slight_smile:

sure, but remember that your old one is not worth much since the old model sells for $99 brand new now.

pre-ordered my 16g, $199 and an $18 upgrade fee.

I agree. Not worth it if you own a 3g. I am pretty sure I will be waiting till next years 4G phone to upgrade.

Not worth it.

Its the same processor they they are just getting better speed out of it. The 3G has a 412Mhz processor that can be over clocked to over 600Mhz fine. They have not upgraded the processor on this and the “faster” loading is strictly due to them upping the power of this. The truth will come out on release but Apple has not said anything about a faster CPU and only references “faster” loading of programs.

Also, they have not increased the RAM of the system, only have a 32GB model out.

For the camera, you go from 2MP to 3MP which in todays world is still pretty shitty for a “cutting edge” device.

Ya, you have voice commands, compass, and video recording but the really that are all in the 3.0 software release. As soon as someone finds them in the SDK and writes the apps for it, you will quickly some of these features on the 3G.

Just loaded the 3.0 OS onto my iPod touch. Doesn’t seem much different. Maybe I need to dig a bit.

Will there be tethering with only the new 3gs?

Is video for the new phone only? Thats crap