THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

Just powered mine off and it took 43 seconds from the time I hit the power button to turn it on until the main screen was available. Jailbroken 2.2.1.

I dunno. Seemed faster but counting it, its the same.

i got a txt the other day saying they expanded the 3g in my area…

Ah okay, that’s a shame, it would’ve been sweet to see how it looked

Which is where?

Well I live in east aurora, im not sure how specific they are when sending that out, i’d imagine it would be for the buffalo area.

I never got it but maybe cuz I have a 585 number

so i just got a 3g iphone now with a sim hack and why do i get horrible GPS reception? it only seems to work around my house and when then goes to the cell towers like the 2g. i downloaded harry’s lap timer and it tells you how good of reception the GPS has and i only got a maximum of .7Hz…anyone else have problems with GPS, plus im using it on EDGE network too if that makes a difference

Hopefully the iPhone video or 3.0 is released next week at WWDC

If you would have waited a few more weeks, there is a new version of the phone being released.

Supposedly next week we get the new software?

Boxxa you beta test right? Is it true?

Is there a confirmed release date for this yet?

They will announce it at WWDC or shortly there after

Ya I am active on in the dev community and also some of the jailbreak guys. I also run 3.0 on my phone now.

They will be announcing the new iPhone tomorrow at the WWDC in California and the release date. The big predictions are that the software will go live next week and the phone will follow shortly after.

I am intrested to see cuz Steve Jobs is also coming back presumably at the WWDC.

If anyone is interested in the WWDC news, starting at 1 PM EST, you can follow blog updates at

yeah thanks i knew that already but there are a few problems with that,

  1. my other phone was broke so i needed a new one which is why i bought the 3g

  2. i have tmobile still so the chances of the new one working with that are non existant

  3. its not coming out until july 17th

Its not a big deal to upgrade. I have $300 left on my insurance for my 3G so I can pretty much break this one, pay $50 and get a free one.

I think I am just gonna get a new one soon, sell it on Ebay and upgrade when the new one comes out if there is a feature I want. I haven’t really seen any improvements yet that I can’t wait for other than the 3.5G but I am perfectly find downloading at 200 KBps on my cell phone.

Hopefully ATT allows an early upgrade option for 3G owners.


11:46AM iPhone 3GS!
11:47AM Well we’ve seen this one. “This is a really fast iPhone. Something as simple launching messaging, 2 times faster… everything is faster. These are all speeds against an iPhone 3G.”


  • iPhone 3GS release date June 19th

  • 3.0 release date June 17th

  • 3.0 GMC for developers today (still not seeing it on dev center yet)

  • ATT support for tethering unannounced while will be available on other carries (bad news and people at the conference were not happy)

  • ATT support for MMS “later this summer”

Until ATT supports MMS and tethering, I really am no longer in a rush to get the new iPhone