THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

You know you’re in huge nerd corner when people consider running a beta OS on your phone a coolness bump.

shit yeah son. Gotta keep that shit fresh.

Well that was easy…

This Qik App rocks…can stream video from your phone to a webpage…

has anyone here used dynolicious? I bought it but my miata is in the shop so I haven’t had a good chance to play with it yet.

Sweet ty

I was playing around with Dynolicous 2.0 the other day and it’s definitely a nice improvement over the older one. The graphs it produces are pretty nice and it seemed pretty accurate when I did some tests :burnout:

make a porn?

Beta 4 and iTunes 8.2 is out :slight_smile:

Ok, so it is my understanding that with an iPhone, if you don’t have service the phone doesn’t work as an iPod touch. Right?

Is there a way you can do that?

I got to see the Beta version of the new software that is going to be released in June the other day…

picture texting.
rotate texting
ect ect…

It looks pretty damn sweet.

Also it’s rumored that the new phone is going to have a 7.1 megapixel standard camera in addition to a 3.4 megapixel front facing camera (taking self portraits easier). And rumored it might be OLCD?

Don’t have service as in no contract or don’t have service as in out in the boonies or underground?

Because everything but the phone works just fine with no cell signal. Not sure what happens with no contract, but when I pop my sim out everything but making calls still works fine. Even gets internet if I’m on wireless.

Ya copy and paste works great along with some cool enhancements. I love landscape email and texting now. I was never a fan of any of the 3rd party texting programs so this is awesome. Beta 1 sucked and was so unstable but 3 and now 4 run great on my phone.

If you don’t have service you can go into your settings and turn on airplane mode. This turns off all radios so it is an iPod (use it on a airplane and stuff) but you can use the iPod no matter what.

You don’t have to do that either. What I’m saying is when it loses service it still just works. Ipod, apps…what ever. As long as it doesn’t require the cell network is just works without changing anything. Airplane mode is nice… if you’re on an airplane and need all the radios disabled.

I mean, we disco’d the service. does this thing become a brick pretty much?

No number, service, like, your cell would say “activation required”

I doubt it considering how mine reacted when I took the SIM out.

OLCD has been nixed, its not coming to the iphone, only to the new apple notebook

Ok so either ATT has upgraded a lot of their towers or 3.0 b4 is lying on the signal. I not have 3G in a lot of NF areas I did not before. Also the phone boots twice as fast IMO.

how can the boot time of the phone be an opinion?