THE **iPhone** Thread (GPS, JailBreak, Apps, Etc)

^ yeah, I did the same thing. I haven’t paid for many apps but this one is more than worth .99.

I finally caved and bought one of these.
Any word on when I can send MMS?

Rumor is with the 3.1 firmware release on September 17th

58 cracked Cydia Apps.

Strongly suggest installing Grip (popup notifications for email and push apps), universal search, and YourTube. Also some people have liked iPhoneDelivery to get SMS message read notices.

Also i got tlert cracked without RockMyPhone or whatever that shit is and now have a easy way to see emails, push notifications, and read/respond to texts without unlocking my phone.

i hear you, but considering some system/config can get updated settings via plists without jb (over http or file attachment), figured that would be a nifty way to modify apps without having to jb.

I was all set to jb just to tether my laptop to a 3g connection for free, but got a config file download that updated the stupid at&t profile.

Only certain settings are changed through itunes. The rest needs to be edited directly via the filesystem becuase it requires signed files that the jailbreak overrides

VMware ish for the iPhone/Touch

MMS - Sept 25th

About time.

yea really… there is a god… im sick of gettin the usual text/picture message thing…

Finally. I already cracked the case of my 5th iPhone since it came out. Can do a upgrade in December or debating just buying a 3GS for retail and using that but it seems the battery life on the 3GS is horrible compared to the 3G so I may be waiting.

huh guess att thinks its still summer then

Fucking finally.

I need to recieve noodz.

anyone get theirs activated yet? there are a lot of people that are already getting mms

does it activate automatically?

I had mine working on the 3.0 betas but it got turned off and stopped. I just got the MMS message to go to the website and view the message today :frowning:

is the 25th legit?

I have to wait until Tuesday to get mine. :frowning:

Ya it was ATT’s official announcement that its coming out on the 25th.

$55 a month for tethering???