The last DoS meet 6-6-07

Ok, well it is now official i am moving to Los Angeles and start my new job on June 11th. I will miss this city and my friends but this is a once in a life time opportunity i have going on right now and would be a fool to turn it town.

so i am going to have a last ‘DoS’ meet at the typical Mighty on June 6th around 9:30-10ish. I hope to have my car back by then, so i would like to go on one more final cruise.

P.S and no, i don’t think i will be pulling a skunk,but i know i will eventually make it back here as people seem to do.

:tup: to bigger and better things

Congrats on the job man :tup: I may try to swing by on the bike for a bit. Good luck out there. :tspry:

I remember you talking about this before, congratulations on pulling it off. I’ll try to be out. :tup:


good luck. :tup:

werd man. GL. I will try to get there. :tup:

good luck. LA is a whole different world


Congrats on getting out man…

Can I get my engine stand back before you leave?


Can I get my engine stand back before you leave?


you sure can.

i’ll try to make it up there bud :slight_smile:

Gluck tho

Who the F is going to go to this…

:stuck_out_tongue: i will most likely show up…good luck if i don’t :tup:

see ya soon man :wave:


P.S and no, i don’t think i will be pulling a skunk,but i know i will eventually make it back here as people seem to do.


Is this the first time out of this area long term? If you dont have much family here I recommend you stay in LA. Mistake I made years ago

I’ll try and make it up

God speed and g/l


I’ll be there brotha. Nice seein ya friday man, we gotta hit up teh clubs again before you leave. :tup:

where and what will you be doing there?


doin doin big thangs


shit yeah