well newman is doin double front flips now, gettin close to landing them…
i am workin on doin back flips in a row, like, not stopping, land on feet, flip, then land flip, etc, ive done 2 in a row as well, trying to get 3. newman can do 2 in a row as well now…
as for the floor board, i can almost do an aerial type shit after a cartwheel to gain momentum… hard to explain…
then we had like all these little kids set up a spring board and then a huge piece of mat in front of it and we’d try to clear it while doin a front flip…
then this huge lil fat kid ran face first right into it… lol
cteclipse made an appearance and did some damage as well, was cool to meet him, im sure he’ll be back
theres more to fri nite but thats what i can think of now…
gonna start bring my compact digi cam to start recording clips, as ill make a new video soon enough
ya younger is right, i asked if its worth becoming a member cuz its cheaper, then she said im like 10 years older than the oldest kid member there and they dont offer adult classes, so im like “oh ok im just gettting a late start” lol