the latest gymnastics recap lol

I wanna flip flip flip myself over over over myself.

see the badazz compilation vid for my backflip in mighty parking lot. =)

Newman, Andy and Josh are going to be here any minute… josh isnt bringing the Sony, but i’ll bring a little digital camera to capture some lunacy.



we went in and all but i couldnt find the lights.

the alarm system had a light on underneath the “trouble” heading and the buffalonians got scurrred.

i got the model number of the alarm system and it turns out the light means that they need to call for service on the alarm…

Yeah that was eeehhhh but we did get in.

The entertainment down @ port was better :tup:

ooh thanks for the call dick :stuck_out_tongue:

i got standing backflips on the floor. I am stoked about that. but i may also have a hernia… i’m looking into it.


yea…i can’t bend my knees… they are FUCKED


aaron at gymnastics.


i loved when he tried running up to do a flip off the wall


i seriously need to let my small injuries heal b4 i go back so i can try stuff at 100%, but i cant stop and i keep going

sitting out this friday. my abs are fucking spent…

yea… i’m out too. My knees are finally getting better from last friday. I don’t want to do anything to fuck them up again

i didnt go wed and not goin tonite, my back needs to heal and repair, then ill be back

i can standing backflip like a motherfucker though.

i’m happy about that.

definitely, once im 100% ill be tryin those

start stretching your abs now… I’m going back on weds… who’s with me?

wait. new hours:

Fridays 7:00-9:00pm
Saturdays 7:00-9:00pm

so friday it is.


Just doing support for everyone else Skunk?


damn during the sabres gamesssss ahmmm

i bet those 2 kids will be there still, i forgot their names though