some one stole my monkey i dont know if this is some kind of fucked up joke or what but i had him at pittsburgh then when i got home he wasn’t even there REALLY PISSED. if any one would like to donate a monkey please let me know i’ve already tried the zoo and almost got kicked out…but seriously if anyone knows where i can get one please help a brother out.

i miss my monkey


are you joking? that is aweful
hopefully you find monkey snatcher

DAMN WTF!..who would jack the MONKEY

thanks guys im guessing its just gonna have to be another trip down to the south side to get one

i fucking hate assholes

sorry to hear about your monkey?

well I hope you get your mojo back.

was it a speacial monkey

someone jacked your monkey?


thats beat

maybe it ran away because you spank it too much?

oh noes

I hope they aren’t spanking your monkey right now…


Why is this in " Cars>General"?

some one stole my monkey i dont know if this is some kind of fucked up joke or what but i had him at pittsburgh

Oh for real, Pittsburgh? I know exactly where thats at.

then when i got home he wasn’t even there REALLY PISSED.


  1. You were in Pittsburgh with your monkey.
  2. You came home.
  3. Your monkey wasn’t even there.

At what point did you notice the monkey missing? If you were in Pittsburgh with him, why did you not notice that he wasn’t even there until you got home? At what point exactly did you notice that the monkey wasn’t even there?