Monkey Rental?

haha…somebody has asked me to try finding a place local that can have a monkey or something similar for kids birthday party on sunday. I am sorta against monkey slave labor, but whatever.

is there a place in buffalo that you can invite a monkey to a kids b-day party?

I know where to get Tigers and Lions…but that may not fair so well.

PM ildiablo or Speedped and offer them 20 bucks

I think he’s looking for more advanced primates.

EDIT: NM, not gonna make that joke. Too many people here that like to get offended on behalf of others.

ha i want a monkey… was there a guy looking to buy one for his like 4year old kid a while back…he may know

there it is


5000 US dollars and I will let you touch my monkey.




i must be special if i get those for free!

shit 20 bucks someone can touch mine :wiggle: :pedo: if your cute mabye free


psphinx is a turbo monkey and he comes cheap i hear, not speaking from personal experience.



americans always have to have shit brought to them… a european would simply hold his kid’s party at the zoo.

not in the case of the french… just invite a few women over lol

if no luck with the monkey i have a goat and sheep :gotme:

Is this the same retard that started the thread a few months ago about wanting a monkey for his kid? I think he had some kind of flag for his avatar.

deficient reading comprehension makes you the retard my friend.

I’m not so sure what you mean because here is the thread: