
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd go.

the 911 call recording is fucking ridiculous

edit: 911 call - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgS0KgT5APc&eurl=http://www.923krock.com/pages/590943.php


Officers remained in their vehicles at first. Herold did the same.

But at some point, Travis the chimp tried to get into a squad car.

om nom nom

well that would suck

and i always wanted a monkey pet… i now am no longer interested in said ape pet.

The lady said you can get a blood transfusion from a chimp so they must be good pets.(paraphrasing). I could get a blood transfusion from OJ Simpson but I wouldn’t want him in my house.

“I just want to go home with my monkey and my dog.”

man. that’s not really that funny.

holy crap.

Where’s the guy who wanted to get a monkey for his daughter?

Paging elmisterioso666

no, its really not - but the victim did survive i believe…

kind of sad that they had to shoot the chimp. These people thought it would be great to have a monkey as a pet, but in the long run, it was better for them and for the chimp to just not do that. That chimp could have lived in a zoo somewhere happily, instead it’s now dead, and a woman is severely disfigured.

That just sucks.


that was a big chimp… lol i still want a monkey

^^ that could be a blessing for some people, at least you get a pity fuck then

edit: annd that has filled my insensitivity quota for the day

hmmm, blessing in disguise, eh…

911 operator: what is your emergency?
voice: OMG he’s ripping his stomach off, shoot him shoot him!
911 operator: what is the victim’s name, sir?
voice: ju… jjjjuuuu… just karter!!!

(10 minutes later)

police officer: We’ve got to get this skinny guy outta here!



thats what the morons get


this is for you geoff


The victim had her hands bit off (yes, they call it “life altering injuries”, but this what happened) and her face chewed off while she was screaming for help. Nothing funny about that. Not one dam thing.