the moon

anyone see it tonight its crazy lookin, with a big ring around it, anyone know why

dude, omg, me and my brother noticed it two, i tried taking pics, but the ring would not show up in the pics, its kinda freaky looking

i noticed it was big and bright…

I’ve seen rings around it before a long time ago, its some kind of eclipse but i dont know what…

edit: just looked and i see no rings… its a slight overcast now tho

i did a search said something bout ice crystals, or something along them lines

I was just taking the trash to the curb when I saw it! freaking wild…

I then proceeded to waste20 mins trying to capture it on film, with three different cameras…

never saw it like that before

ya i heard something like that, also folklore means bad weather coming

The ring around the Moon is caused by the reflection of Moonlight (which of course is reflected sunlight) from ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. The shape of the ice crystals results in a focusing of the light into a ring. Since the ice crystals typically have the same shape, namely a hexagonal shape, the Moon ring is always the same size.

Edit: I see the ring now, i was expecting a smaller ring like i seen a few years ago, this one is HUGE and slightly harder to see

I also seen this very strange.

At 3am clear as a bell out and I noticed it

damn it i’m gonna have to go outside and look now after reading this thread…lol

it’s the end of the world

i wish i could have gotten it on film, it was wild looking

even this morning on my way to work it looked so bright and crazy…pretty sweet
