the most balllinist NES shit ever




why would some one spend over 5g on that?

WHATS IT DO? is it just a game?

The rarity makes it’s valuable. Much like the Grey Zelda carts, only much more rare.


nerdery at its finest.

that’s it…

thats awesome, 5g’s seems expensive, but imagine in 20 years that cart will be worth proly 100k

In 20 years no one will know what the hell it is.

hope it works, if not just BLOwwww

I doubt that, look at it now, we still know what an Atari is and an NES, as long as the Nintendo company is still around people will know what it is.

5 grand fer thing wow

im going to go get my zelda cartrige and tape this label on it. then i will take all of you out for drinks. :slight_smile:


took me a second

Seriously I want to smack the person that started that. And all because Nintendo used a shitty spring contact design that loses it’s springiness.

are you saying the blowing dosent work? i have the best method ever, i can get any game to work on the 1st try.

that makes 2 of us…

jam has the best blowing method evaaar! :suckoff:

anyone notice how this guy says he will only accept a money order for this 20 year old, $5,000 video game that may or may not work and the payment is relatively untraceable. he probably wants it sent to a p.o. box too…

Five minutes after somebody buys it who has an EPROM dumper, it’ll be available for free and then worthless… :wink: