Ordering on tuesday when everything opens back up.
thatz blues dynoshiet
for what, his shoes? Now that the stang is for sale.
well slow has a nitrous kit and stickys… :tounge:
A PEEK gain of about 18 HP (from 160 to 178)
An AVERAGE gain of 19 HP from 4,000 to 6,500 RPM (this in more important than peek, as you will see with the Torque chart below)
A 31 HP gain at 6,000 - 6,200 RPM
= Camaro seeing Maxima taillights
on the handicap head start
And people that have done the drop resistor mod to the tranny run almost exactly the same times as 5 speeds. It somehow stiffens up the shifts in the tranny, and shifts so hard you WILL chirp 2nd gear. You have to wire it to a switch though and only use it when racing. I used to beat 6cly camaros in my prelude, which weighed almost the same as a Maxima, but the Max will have 60 more hp.
remember its ur daily driver,u break i’ll tow u back to O/C!!!
I heard the repo man was coming to get it
brench racing is :greddy: just bring it…
i hope so also need to sell it bad
i am going to Iraq soon
What? Why did I not hear about this? That sucks d00d!
i been talking about it for a month