Lacrosse is stupid anyway.
lmao ^^ dudes got jokes
Don’t you teach children?
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Neither was Dago. It was originally intended to mean day laborer. One who is paid as the day goes, full days pay for a full days work. However I’m pretty sure you would get fired for calling someone that so the court of public opinion is most likely not on your side. Call someone at work a redskin and see how HR feels about that.
Words by themselves, just like swear words, are just words. It is not the intended target who chooses the intention of the word. When a word is used to demean someone or something the intent is decided.
A bitch is originally a female dog but I’m pretty sure you might have a problem if I called your significant other one…
Words coupled with context and intention have power. Words have the power to condemn.
Jewish Ghettos
Wounded knee massacre.
Bleeding heart or not. It’s just not right. To continue the practice after you’ve been told by someone that it is hurtful is just being a dick. This isn’t that hard.
I’m not saying that this isn’t an issue. And having taught at a certain school in question, I can see both sides of the argument. What I think is that suddenly with a soapbox, anyone can complain about anything. Then you get a bunch of people that don’t actually care about the issue but find it trendy to join a “group” to assert their “opinion” on a matter they shouldn’t even have part in.
And yes, I do teach children. That has absolutely nothing to do with this. I teach engineering, and unless they have a question about the moral aspects and ethics of manufacturing, I leave my opinions out of the classroom. So fuck off, kindly.
I don’t disagree with your first point.
However you getting defensive on the second is not surprising considering the views you post here often which tip toe over racial lines. Fucking off doesn’t change the fact that you have direct access and influence over young minds. You can say fuck off all you want but these types of posts can be viewed very questionably and if I had a kid in your classes I would be concerned, how you conduct yourself in and outside of work says a lot about you.
I don’t think there is anyone out there that says “Yeah let’s keep Redskin as a name because it was funny when Native Americans got slaughtered”.
Here’s my breakdown:
#1 If you aren’t Native American, this is not offensive to you. You’re just feeling obligated to be offended if it does.
#2 According to the origins of the word from my perspective Redskin is used to describe the color of the skin. If you hold this true, than it’s no more racist than calling someone black or white.
#3 Redskin may not be the most politically correct name, but Lancaster Native Americans just doesn’t have the same effect.
#4 I think we’re unfairly linking massacres to the name Redskin. It’s terrible that those massacres happened, but the term Redskin to my knowledge has nothing to do with it.
Fucking wah. So many more important issues in this country that require redress.
You clearly don’t know me then. And you clearly don’t know many teachers who in fact do have their own opinions on many matters. The fact of the matter is that my opinions are left at the door when I’m at work. It’s called professionalism. What I contribute to my students is a sound education in engineering and manufacturing trades. You can question my morals all you want, but don’t you fucking dare question my ability to enlighten and educate young minds. I take direct offense to that. So yeah, I am defensive. I’m very passionate about what I do, passionate to have the opportunity to work in a field that shapes young minds, gives them an opportunity gain sucess. White, black, native, it doesn’t matter, I treat all my students equally.
You come off as this Buddha mechanic on here, which is all fine and dandy, but I don’t know you and can make the same assumptions as you make about me. You got pissy because I stated the truth about this whole thing. I do in fact think that the term is offensive, but it bothers me that people hop on trendy causes without knowing the full situation.
I can understand your point about people jumping on bandwagons, I agree with that. I do take personal offense to the subject. I have Native American blood. I’m not making assumptions I’m going off what you post here on a regular basis. I’m forming my view based on what you provide which is evidence enough for me to say what I have. Enough said.
My views on subjects like these are mine. I’m not claiming to be a model citizen, no one is. I’m just saying some of this shit is plain ignorance.
Thankfully we enjoy the freedom to talk about these things rationally.
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John you can feel how you’d like I can’t change that nor would I want to same with Chris. I disagree with point 4 and for the same reason I stated above. It’s context. Historical context. Issues such as these didn’t just start last year. It starts with a series of situations which build the case for context. Do you think that if black people in the south weren’t treated as they were for hundreds of years that the N word would have the same meaning? Same point that Andre brought up with Italian, Irish and Polish immigrants being denied the ability to be employed simply because they were the new kid on the block. When people hear these words it conjurers up more than just anger. Most time it’s disappointment, discouragement and disbelief. Luckily most of us have not had to deal with these situations so it’s probably pretty hard to put yourself in others shoes.
Life isn’t fair. I get that. Just because it isn’t fair by nature doesn’t mean we have to make it worse for others on purpose. It’s 2015.
^ I hear you, and I think at 2015 being “PC” has been crammed down our throats. I’m not saying calling everyone a Redskin and a Ni***r should be common vernacular, but everyone gets so antsy so quick. I work with a Native American who’s on a board (the name escapes me) of Native Americans. He seemed to be of the mind set as that the term didn’t carry a whole lotta weight. It’s the same as calling things “gay” or joking with friends and calling them a “fag”. The words carry as much hurt as you want them too.
I tend to be a little more on the extreme end of “Nothing is really offensive”. I’m not sure how to accurately describe that, but that’s how I feel. Like I said, nobody wants terrible things to happen to people i.e. The massacres that occurred against the Native Americans. But having a high school football team and mascot of a Native American isn’t killing anyone. My argument would be that Redskin in this instance represents the spirit of the Native Americans and their strength. It’s not meant to mock, it’s not meant to bring up past tragedies.
I guess I’m not opposed to changing the name, but I just don’t see how it’s offensive being used in the context it is.
What bothers me is that you took a personal jab at not only me, but my career as well. And as it seems we are on the same side of this debate. You agree with my statement about bleeding hearts, correct? That was referencing the individuals that have no business debating this/hopping on the bandwagon. I said lacrosse sucks, which is an opinion that I hold true for baseball and basketball as well. None of this warranted your remarks about my career. That was chicken shit on your part. No where in this thread did I make a “racist” remark. Nor do I plan on it.
^^ Just look at them taunting Native Americans with their sacred animal!
Joking aside, IMO “Buffalo” and “Redskin” are two different cases.
Putting things in the context of 1953 they probably chose the name Redskins for the team because it had a fierce or warrior connotation.
Maybe it’s possible that a bunch of white people with a deep racist hate thought it would be a great way to disparage Native Americans by naming the sports team their kids would be playing on with a racist word, but it’s unlikely.
60+ years later the word has gone though semantic change.
They should just change the name to “Reds” and be done with it. The sorter name saves on printing costs too.
I follow, John.
I made a statement that was pretty innocuous. Do you mean to tell me you took offense to it? Weird. Kind of goes along with everything we’re talking about.
I stand by my statement and not about teachers. I stand by what I wrote because I could have wrote that many more times in the past and didn’t. I apologize if you are offended. As I said before, I’m going off what you provide me. I don’t know you personally so take that for what it’s worth. No one is perfect. I understand that. I have made transgressions in my past.
I get what you are saying. I’m sure it wasn’t a bunch of people who were racist going around naming teams otherwise you’d have a KKK team I’m sure. I understand both sides of the debate and can see valid points.
One thing to note that history has created a caricature of what a Native American is. It’s similar to the mind set that all Asians are the same, which is obviously not true. It boils down to the fact that individuals can see a group as a mascot rather than the human beings they are. The cartoon posted earlier pretty much sums that up.
I’ll also post this again for anyone who missed it. Funny and informative.
Think it’s high time for everyone to grow a pair.
What if we just change the mascot.
lol. perfect.
Lol wtf
This thread title offends me…
Ban KKK Turbochargers.