The New Miss Universe...

Id do it up, no doubt

I hang out with asian girls who are hotter than that.

She does have a nice body though.


I hang out with asian girls who are hotter than that.

She does have a nice body though.



Comment Retracted. Didn’t mean to offend anyone

oo miss usa all the way!


Howies Big head attracts the Asian hotness. Mostly Due to its own gravitational force, and Azn womenz being naturally lightweight.


Do I know you?

I infact think it’s because I’m rather charismatic and charming, and I can rip on myself and I make people laugh, whereas normal Asian fuckfaces around here care wayyyyyy too much about the clothes they wear or how spiky their hair is.

Oh that, and I can drink any asian under the table and still be functional.

Oh and did I mention I’m not 5’6", 110lbs soaking wet?


Howies Big head attracts the Asian hotness. Mostly Due to its own gravitational force, and Azn womenz being naturally lightweight.


Dude, seriously you can’t make fun of Howie unless you have met him and have been friends with him for a while. Not cool.

OT: Howie, where is my case of pineapples??

Didn’t mean to offend you Howie. No I don’t know you. Sorry

not cool, bro! /stonervoice


Didn’t mean to offend you Howie. No I don’t know you. Sorry


I didn’t really care, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t know you.

If I did, I probably would have ripped into you.

But since I don’t I’ll just ban you.

kidding. :smiley:


Dude, seriously you can’t make fun of Howie unless you have met him and have been friends with him for a while. Not cool.

OT: Howie, where is my case of pineapples??


Do I know you?

Oh, you’re Pitlord’s secret lover

Alright, I was somewhat expecting a ban. Again, Sorry.


Do I know you?

Oh, you’re Pitlord’s secret lover


I am going to send my sister into your house to assassinate you.


Hottest girl there? No, but I would definitely hit it.

I’d rather hit it to the drunk girl who was doing coke that won Miss USA though.


:word: my friend. :word: