The New Miss Universe...

She’s pretty hot, not going to lie.



Anyone see the clip of miss USA falling on her ass? It was all over the news last night. Funny shit.

OMG JDM TYTE!!! I would in a heartbeat.

God, look at those elbows. I would not hit that.






Anyone see the clip of miss USA falling on her ass? It was all over the news last night. Funny shit.


Then she got booed all night because Mexico hates us, lol.


Yup, she’s Asian. I loooooooooove Asian girls

Mmmm… but would I still feel satisfied 1/2hr later? I guess I would just have to have some more if I wasn’t. :hitit:


Mmmm… but would I still feel satisfied 1/2hr later? I guess I would just have to have some more if I wasn’t. :hitit:



:tup: x238491283473

Is Howie the only one who doesn’t like her since he’s an uncle tom?

ehhh not impressed, but that is more or less not my thing, the swede that dropped out was hot though

definitely would hit it

id hit it

i am spent


ehhh not impressed, but that is more or less not my thing


What isn’t your thing? Beautiful women? Are guys more your style? Nukka please. You’d hit it till your dick broke off and you know it!

:cjerk: Welcome to the internet: where 12 second cars aren’t fast and Miss Universe is unimpressive.

Hottest girl there? No, but I would definitely hit it.

I’d rather hit it to the drunk girl who was doing coke that won Miss USA though.


What isn’t your thing? Beautiful women? Are guys more your style? Nukka please. You’d hit it till your dick broke off and you know it!

:cjerk: Welcome to the internet: where 12 second cars aren’t fast and Miss Universe is unimpressive.


never said I wouldn’t hit it, but she is not my thing, way to pasty

agree with mike

Fair enough. And yeah the blonde with the full lips and tits is hotter than the asian sensation. :hitit: