The new ride...



ive known about this for a bit now. he said the seats are " a little tight" and whenever you guys see them, youll understand why he said that, they arent the R34 seats

From what I saw on the for sale ad for the car, their brides, which are a tight fit even for me

yeah man. the guy he got it from said they are the bigger versions and his brother with a 38" waist fits… chris was like, well, im a bit bigger than that, so we’ll see how they fit

Yeah I have a 36" waist and im just snug in them…

I’m guessing the ride home wasnt the most comfortable

he said it wasnt too bad, said it rained, which sucked

Either way, can’t wait to see it in person!

Gonna go to the wash and wash my car quick as I did not get a chance to do it today…

Hopefully I see it around… I would be driven the damn thing eveywhere for a few days thats for damn sure

theres an excuse for going to the gym now.

Nice pickup Cossey. Congrats dude

You have MOAR wheels to clean sir!


hahaha :rofl:rofl

I dont think I could deal with rhd. Too weird to shift with my left hand.

Cossey is the lil guy with the purddy lips that hangs with Adam right??:rofl

u switch hit with masterbating whats the difference??:haha

Cossey isnt little. Maybe you mean Sean?

the left one isnt as good

sorry sarcasim hard to see on webz. i know who Cossey is!!
got him on speed dial…lol

its easy. if you dont think you could drive the car, i doubt you could drive on the left side of the road…

it took me a few minutes to get everything fine… not a big deal. once you get your arm used to pulling towards you rather than pushing away, its easy

That would be totally wierd for me driving on the left side of the road.

drove rhd in st maarten, was deff an experiance needless to say

the only hard part is getting your left hand in the mindset to move instead of your right

that and first being all the way over away from you rather than closer to you

oh and driving on the left side of the road is scary the first time