The new ride...

congrats man…very nice ride i cant wait see it…my car is now a honda…everyone is all over your shit now…

LMAO ray and ryan don’t be upset, im sure youll still have your true nutswinging fanbois

I knew you would get it eventually, only a matter of time. :rofl

believe me… i dont think either ryan or I will miss any of the attention…




I’m glad I no longer own a dick magnet:)

Wow dude that is epic. Congrats.



I haz boner.

I think this thread should be renamed “cold showers needed, pt 2”

can u say SWINGERS

I’m gonna try and not nut swing but I think I should definitely get a ride since I got the little brother of his motor :smiley: I might actually have to go to the lot this weekend :lol

I told cossey last night he is going to be your best friend for taking all the attention

I want a ride!

On cossey’s nuts

Nice ride, so i havent looked at all these threads…you ditch the porche? I knew there were problems with it.

God damn dude I’m still in shock for you.

No, that’s at EPL right now. Tony Chick is jigging up his first twin GT28RS turbo kit on it right now. Forget nut swinging, I’d chop off and pickle Cossey’s balls if he got rid of the RUF before giving it a chance to shine :lol

This skyline is a nice looking car though and one of the cleanest I’ve ever seen myself. If I wasn’t soaked in power steering fluid today and not wearing my damn work boots I would have persuaded Cossey to toss me the key for a couple minutes and see what that Greddy-dressed RB26 can really do.

I even like the color.

Yeah car looks good. If it were mine id go with the spoiler and decal delete, but it still looks great either way!

I’ll take the liberty of posting some legit pics from the PO:

God damn.

Its dirty as fuck right now cause cossey thought it would be fun to go off roading in the dunes I think