The new ride...

You has none left. :cry:

lol dude, that was added on after the fact.

V-spec’s did not come with those stripes.

But definitely keep them on Coss.

well if u didnt bite them off the other night. :eek

Hmm I dident think so either

but cossey mentioned something about them being factory?

Maybe i heard him wrong?:wierd

oh idk, I just saw from the for sale ad that one of the mods listed was the nismo decals, I just figured it was something the PO did.

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never seen a skyline in person before but i would like too !

amazing find cossey i never thought i would know someone from shift who owns a skyline like this… but shit happens :smiley:

One Day…

I will own an R33 :’(

who are u kidding?

Cossey where are you going to put all your cars. Don’t you only have a 2 car garage?

I like this purchase. That car is really clean. I want to see the interior the most. I have seen r34s but never got to get upclose and personal with the interior.

sidenote: I hope your ballsack skin is strong cause now even more people will be swinging from your nuts.

shortyyyyy u said u wanna player with money

hes going to have to install one of those UBER l337 lifts that are built into his driveway / garage / garden , james bond style

For one I like R33’s…

and two… getting a legalized R33 is way more realistic and possible, none the less afordable than an R34…

I love R34’s I think theyre sexy as all hell, but I also have my reasons for why I don’t care for them so much

i got 1st dibs…i talked about them 1st!!!

everything is realistic , if you told cossey 10 years ago he was never going to get an R34 then you would be wrong :smiley:

so dont tell shady hes not getting an R33 (but dont promise him either haha)

Damnit I’d like them, but probably more than I want to spend.

the wheels in your sig look pretty badass to me

Yeah and they weigh more than the car itself.

if you sell you car you can probly afford them without tires

Always one step ahead!!! :banghead