The next trillion dollar bailout

Way to research.
Ther war in Iraq on its own cost $600 billion and counting.
The latest aircraft carrier cost over 5 billion. If you do the math, thats <20, not 150.
And this isn’t a bailout. It’s an economic stimulus package. Big difference.

Then how the fuck do you support trickle down economics and the bush tax cuts for the rich and big businesses? This is a prime example of its failures, and it was only the democrats in Congress’ fault to the extent that they didn’t actually put language in the bill to hold Paulson and the rest of the Bush economic team to their word on how the money would be spent. They’re the ones that changed course.

All I can say is GM and Chrysler better have their plan for viability ready on Feb 17. And it better be damned good, or they ain’t getting another penny. Fuck the auto industry and it wanting $15 Billion when we can throw around Trillions to the ones that put us in thi smess in the first place! :tup:

Why do you bother?

Just think of how many Civics $1 Trillion dollars could buy!!!

im just waiting for ownage #1752121 when Jeg replies, “You know, you’re right. All along, you’ve completely made sense. I think I’m going to vote democrat.”

Since that’s not going to happen, I like to at least make a scene for the passersby. Similar to how the debates are actually for the tv audience, not to get the opponent to flat out admit they were wrong.

And yes, beer.

The issue goes beyond a problem created by democrats or republicans. It’s a total lack of foresight by all of our elected leaders that has gotten us into this situation and if they don’t pull their heads out of their asses it will only get worse.

Fuck it. I’m going to create my own political party that combines democratic economic, environmental, and foreign policies with republican gun control and, um, just republican gun control.

thats my platform. I’m running for POTUS in 2024.

Add republican healthcare to my party too. If we could do universal healthcare ideally I’d be all for it even if it costs me a few bucks, but NYS makes a great case study and it doesn’t fly.

I’ll vote for you in 2024. But only if I get a technical advisor position in your cabinet.

I love how Joe makes it sound like the last bailout was a republican bailout. We were the ones voting against it if you remember. We voted it down the first time, and got suckered into it by the wall street collapse on the 2nd vote.

That bailout is hardly the “perfect example of trickle down failing” you’re trying to make it out to be.

Ok, so how many billion in a trillion, I’ll fill you in, its not 100, its 1,000. So at 5 billion, its about 200 ships for a trillion. But you have to fill them with jets and stuff, hence 150.

Iraq is hands down the most expensive war ever, so its cost 600 billion. That leaves 400 billion for all the other wars, which cost pennies compared to the new way of fighting wars.

Maybe you need to research a little more.

You can sugar coat this in whatever BS you want to. Its one big ass pork spending bill. These projects are no different than the ones we cut from every other budget. But cloak it in BS, use emotion, and BAM, economic stimilus package.

It’s the dems’ fault! No it’s the republicans’ fault!

It’s both you bickering fucks.



5 billion x 20= 100 billion, not 1 trillion

this is what happens when i post on the phone.
but still, unless iraq #2 costs more than iraq #1, nam, korea, afghanistan, kosovo, WWII, WWI, and so on, his thing about the wars was false.


The sad part of this recession they are trying to prevent it with no success is that it’s also badly needed. The more they throw at this the worse inflation will be when the stimulus finally is lent out and a new bigger bubble begins.

Let the ebb & flow take place…bull and bear cycles are both needed. A bear cycle and deep recession would actually be GREAT for the small guys, small businesses and for long term innovations. But hey…the USD is make believe and will crash sooner or later. Why not let the rich pricks profit then crash it sooner on the middle class investors/workers. It’s not like we the middle class don’t carry the rich AND the poor on our backs as it is. :frowning:

It’s the American peoples fault. We are too goddamn complacent and take the shit they feed down our throats. Presidents are just mouthpieces and cannot really innovate much of anything. Let’s all look in the mirror and realize WE let the country snowball out of control. The question I have had for a long time now is what can “we” do to change this system? How many could we band together and would it be enough of a tipping point?

We don’t even hold our criminals to real consequence…how can we hold elected officials accountable and have true “power to the people”?

^ But TradersBASE we just voted for “change” didn’t we? It’s all going to be good now, change is coming. /sarcasm

I don’t understand this. CNN, Fox and MSNBC have shown concern about this plan. Mostly due to the first 350 billion from TARP seemed to up and vanish.

I like that Obama met with the Republican leaders to try and get their support and as this bill gets reviewed by more people I can see some of the non-essential parts thrown out like the contraceptive policy was.

From what its being advertised as they say its 1/3 tax breaks, 1/3 relief, 1/3 job creation.

I’m going to reserve judgement until I see the actual bill that will be in front of congress in february because this is really nothing more than a draft.

You’re gonna read a bill that congress themselves isn’t?
Nobody can or will read all the garbage they put in there…that’s almost by design I would imagine. Guess I need to make a new tinfoil hat. haha
They (congress reps) failed the 1st bailout bill on pass 1 so they could lace it with breaks to local businesses (such as the famed wooden arrow shit) that fund their campaigns.

“Change” is on the way! The voters have spoken! All will be fixed shortly and then we can continue being the biggest consumer nation with the worst, most inflated fundamentals in the world. LOL :wink:

First they need to get these piece of shit bankers lending again. If that doesn’t happen then this snowball will just keep getting larger. That should be JOB 1. Above any kind of bullshit tax breaks or $ in the common mans pocket.

Americans have a Chicken Little, “The Sky is Falling” mentality. The more we talk about it the worse consumer confidence will get. Something needs to be done to psychologically stimulate the population and not with a few hundred dollars in their pockets.

1 - Get banks lending to support businesses that are still viable.
2 - Stop the idiotic foreclosure cycle/process that benefits no one.
3 - Public confidence