Get out the override stick again...

Yet again, Bush vetoes bills spending on domestic priorities, because that’s money we could throw into the Pentagon, since we already spend exponentially higher on this sweet war. Who would want health, education and jobs when you could police a foreign civil war that you caused?

Thank god we took control of congress, or you might as well be mailing your tax checks directly to Iraq. (With a cut going to big oil of course)

Health and education should not be paid for by the govt.
The war has created lots of jobs and economic opportunities.
My obvious 2 cents.


Health and education should not be paid for by the govt.
The war has created lots of jobs and economic opportunities.
My obvious 2 cents.


yeah those 200,000 troops will come back and want jobs. so think of it freeing up 200K jobs for us :slight_smile:

I was watching cnn today. This war has cost around $1,600,000,000,000. Yes, 1.6 trillion dollars. They figured from all the changes in oil and other global impacts its made. They average it costs a family of 4 $16,000.


but there is absolutely NO money being made from this war right? Not a single $0.01 in revenue for a single american entity… :picard:

Being said, I am all for “taking out the bad guy”. I will go as far as being a pretty strong republican. But this is just way to far. This country has been put into a situation where we’re damned if we do and damned if we dont. Osama is still alive, we have invaded a country and disposed of a tyrant but are still there. I just dont know what to make of it besides hoping that someone will make the right decisions.

Hopes & dreams will only get you so far…


Health and education should not be paid for by the govt.
The war has created lots of jobs and economic opportunities.
My obvious 2 cents.



it is good and it isn’t good, but yes, if you want health and education paid for by governments go over seas to a socialist or communist country, HELLO! Free Enterprise, Republic… arrrgh

damn 1.6 trill oh snap i want a raise lol.

While I agree that eductation and health should not recive gov’t funding… I’d rather see that 1.6 trillion go back to the good ol’ US of A

Not to foriegn countries.

If I was Bush, I’d be afraid to go outside…I bet more than %50 of the US population does not thing too highly of him.

Word i hate watching the way it is being spent over there. I see brand new trucks and just dumb things being bought for peopl over there and i just think about all the ways it could have been spent. It makes me sick and uber pissed. If we are going to blow trillions on the fucking war then i find it hard to believe that when we ask for ways to start jobs for locals we are told there isnt enough funding WTF! Ok thats it im not going to piss myself off lol.

I have a question. Of that 1.6 trillion how much of it has gone to an American in some way shape or form? Yea the products are all going over seas, but in the long run i think most of the money is going to an American.

some examples:

All of those million dollar bombs that we drop out of billion dollar fighter jets aren’t made over seas. That is money that ends up in the American pockets to the people who design and assemble um.


I have a question. Of that 1.6 trillion how much of it has gone to an American in some way shape or form? Yea the products are all going over seas, but in the long run i think most of the money is going to an American.

some examples:

All of those million dollar bombs that we drop out of billion dollar fighter jets aren’t made over seas. That is money that ends up in the American pockets to the people who design and assemble um.


by contractors do you mean haliburton and by haliburton you mean dick cheney?

them, black water, KBR, crescent security, MPRI, and MANY other companies are civilian contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan. All of witch pay pay people ( mainly Americans ) good money to work for them over seas. And im sure Dick Cheney and his friends are the only people from that company that make any money :bloated:

Im not saying its a great way to spend money, but a good part of the money is going back into American homes and the American economy.


them, black water, KBR, crescent security, MPRI, and MANY other companies are civilian contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan. All of witch pay pay people ( mainly Americans ) good money to work for them over seas. And im sure Dick Cheney and his friends are the only people from that company that make any money :bloated:

Im not saying its a great way to spend money, but a good part of the money is going back into American homes and the American economy.

what does this do for the american economy?

and did they ever rule on whether or not haliburton was overbilling? thats a great way to spend taxpayer dollars…

“$2.7 billion in suspect billings.”

ok how about this then. My friend Paul worked for KBR a few years ago, came home and bought a house. I know SEVERAL people, a few of um are on this board, who have gone over seas with the military and came back and bought new cars.

And the chaney thing. He himself hasn’t personally been able to collect off of any of that in almost 8 years. I’m sure his friends are making money from it, but so are all the people who are working for haliburton for a year or 2 then coming back to here to spend their money.

I know its not perfect, but what im saying is HOW MUCH OF THAT 1.6 trillion came back to America?


ok how about this then. My friend Paul worked for KBR a few years ago, came home and bought a house. I know SEVERAL people, a few of um are on this board, who have gone over seas with the military and came back and bought new cars.

And the chaney thing. He himself hasn’t personally been able to collect off of any of that in almost 8 years. I’m sure his friends are making money from it, but so are all the people who are working for haliburton for a year or 2 then coming back to here to spend their money.

I know its not perfect, but what im saying is HOW MUCH OF THAT 1.6 trillion came back to America?


did you read those links?

Democrats pointed out that Cheney receives deferred compensation from Halliburton under an arrangement he made in 1998, and also retains stock options

And thats awesome for your friends and people who went and made mad loot and thats awesome that they are coming home to hopefully dump it back into the US economy…

Real unbiased article there Joe. No mention at all of the reason for the Bush veto; THE 2000 EARMARK BILLS OF PORK SPENDING ATTACHED TO IT.

And the fact that it had bi-partisan support means it’s probably both democrat and republican pork, just like the transportation bill that they managed to override the veto on. Unfortunately that seems to be the new way to bipartisanship; give each side lots of pork-barrel money for their pet projects.

Even anti-bush CNN is running the “full of pork” side of the story. $10 billion in pork. Talk about the other white meat:

I especially like this part:

While polls show Bush’s popularity remains at near-record lows, Congress ranks even lower as a whole.

Yep Joe, good think you Democrats have control of congress.

Final edit:
Now I see why your article was so biased. IHT is owned by the New York Times.


Real unbiased article there Joe. No mention at all of the reason for the Bush veto; THE 2000 EARMARK BILLS OF PORK SPENDING ATTACHED TO IT.

And the fact that it had bi-partisan support means it’s probably both democrat and republican pork, just like the transportation bill that they managed to override the veto on. Unfortunately that seems to be the new way to bipartisanship; give each side lots of pork-barrel money for their pet projects.

Even anti-bush CNN is running the “full of pork” side of the story. $10 billion in pork. Talk about the other white meat:

I especially like this part:

Yep Joe, good think you Democrats have control of congress.

Final edit:
Now I see why your article was so biased. IHT is owned by the New York Times.


Yet, completely seperate from the shit for war, bush signed a $470 billion dollar bill for defense into law. How much of that do you think was “pork”? Congress, as a whole, has low approval ratings because they are in a tough spot. They have enough votes to pass what they want, but only with presidential approval. Most of the shit they try to pass, a lot of which would actually do good things for this country, has no chance in hell of getting by cowboy george. Overriding a veto, for either side, is always difficult. And george has a lot of balls mocking spending habits when, in his first term, he took our country from its biggest surplus in history to its biggest deficit, and is only making it worse now.


by contractors do you mean haliburton and by haliburton you mean dick cheney?


How about Springville Mfg. Co., Inc.?
Yeah, I guess we would have been better off without making parts for the military.
Yeah, I like military contracts because they are the only ones that I don’t have to compete with China for.
Ask my employees if they would rather have been laid-off.