the nissan *updated pics*

hey got a few goodies a little while ago here is a photo of the
new C/F hood

also have the gt28r installed along with a meagan manifold hard to take a good pic when its already installed… shaved some time off my 1/4 it done a 13.3@106 mph all stock except for that turbo but ya just thought i would throw this in to let you guys have a gander and see what you think thanks>>>.

pretty clean car, can’t wait to see it in person :smiley:

nice choice of color too :partyman:

White?! Ya, real sweet. :roll:

sweet… looks like my car

its amazing turbo man, made the world of a difference on my car also and its still stock for now

sweet 8)

thanks for the feed back guys hopefully see some other silvia’s at the track next year i got pretty board of smokin skylines and supras need a challenge

smoking them how?

wow try’n to stir the pot eh…lol…wut was ur best time at the track?

bored of ‘smokin’ skylines… there weren’t enough skylines at secret street this year to say that, there were wayyy more silvias and 240s. :roll:

whats secret street? or is it a secret?

lol i dunno why they call it secret street^

thats such a nice hood… if i ever got a cf hood, thats probably the one i’d get.