The Offical what do you Geek out about thread

figured the gaming thing by the hat u wear when ur at gold brahhh

I used to steal those cards from a kid at school all the time. Id pretend I was looking at them and just take a few here and there. No reason really.

lol nah i never was a card game sorta nerd.

hahaha truth

lol , i gathered ya did by the way ya wore the hat lol

^never inviting this fawker to my house …ya damn clepto

I loved that game… and will play it again some day. Its like the video game version of dungeons and dragons.



^now this is a game for dragon nerds if i ever seen one. :hijacked

DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Ronin Warriors were the shit!!!
i was actually sad that toonami ended =[

Not at all interested ITT.


Nothing, as I am not a fag.


Yeah, me too… everyday :ahh

whole lotta gay shit ITT

World of Warcraft =(

You said geek, but maybe I obsess, this is not nearly all of them :lol

Had to kill time in Kingston, so this is yesterdays haul;

What I have out on display:

Top shelf:

Near my desk, usually newer finds,

More sealed ones:

+rep for Evangelion
