The Official Banish MikeRi24 Thread

Hey Paranoos,

Let me guess. You sat around and thought about making a thread for … months. You wanted a way to introduce yourself that would be funny, yet serious. Creative, yet structured. You thought this would be your perfect opportunity to slip into the NYSpeed community.

This thread has been sitting in a notepad file on your desktop for days; You’ve edited and re-edited it multiple times over the last couple hours, and after a big deep breath… pushed the “Submit New Topic” button. Congratulations, you overcame your fear of being social and are no longer a troll.

But unfortunately, you failed. Not only did you fail, but you failed epically… and as a result you are on the verge of being banned.

Good job. End your life, or at least your life on this forum. Find solace and hospitality with others of your kind. You can find them at They too are socially inept, and if you discuss with them the dark and stormy chapter of your life titled “NYSpeed” they may even accept you as one of their own.

You may even find a boyfriend, one that will push your limits and new boundaries will be forged in the realm of “bi-sexuality”

All this waits for you, your future is just a website away. Unfortunately though, your future here, on NYSpeed, is quite dreary and might I add, should be coming to conclusion.


You have 0 posts.



Who are you?



how bout we banish original poster


[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:7,topic:40214"”]


Ban original poster’s IP addy, not man enough to use your own screen name?






banstick for OP?


Indeed. Banishment is the only judgment suitable for the OP.