The old Mike Tyson *vid*

Shame he isnt known for that anymore,just ear biting and crime.What a beast he was.


I would have love to have seen how his career would turn out if he wasnt such a meathead, he was so fast and so nasty back then

damn he was a monster

im going to eat your children

He was the fucking man.

Too bad he’s a fucking moron.

Best Tyson line ever…

“I’ll fuck you till you love me.”

I believe this was said to Holyfield or a reporter during a weigh in. Either way its fantastic.

he was amazing. i am surprised he never killed anyone in the ring.

werd… /thread lol

one dude I would NEVER want to fuck with… ever. My head would be knocked off my shoulders in .3 seconds lol

poor guys in that vid didnt stand a chance lol

I would cry if he hit me that hard.

Holy crap

but ya to bad he went downhill

Check out all of his crazy quotes. It’s a good read

Heres an example: “I try to catch him right on the tip of the nose, because I try to push the bone into the brain.”

“There are nine million people who see me in the ring and hate my guts. Most of them are white. That’s okay. Just spell my name right.”

BWHAHAAH now that is just a funny ass quote

“Fear is your best friend or your worst enemy. It’s like fire. If you can control it, it can cook for you; it can heat your house. If you can’t control it, it will burn everything around you and destroy you.”

Thats just a pretty good one

"“I have some pain I’m gonna have for the rest of my life. So every now and then I kick
your fucking ass.”

I just, understand this one :slight_smile:

i disagre

i think the best was

" I could Sell out Madison Square Garden Jerking Off"

Here are some others :slight_smile:

“[He] called me a ‘rapist’ and a ‘recluse.’ I’m not a recluse.”
On Lennox Lewis
“Lennox Lewis, I’m coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I’m just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!”
“My main objective is to be professional but to kill him.”
“I want to rip out his heart and feed it to him [Lennox Lewis]. I want to kill people. I want to rip their stomachs out and eat their children.”
On Evander Holyfield
“You got nothing coming, man. I’m going to enjoy this fight.”
After biting Holyfield he said, “This is my career. I have children to raise. I have to retaliate. He butted me. Look at me. My kids will be scared of me.”
“I felt Holyfield was using his head illegally. I told the referee I wasn’t getting any help, so I went back to the streets. I cannot defend it, but it happened.”
On Razor Ruddock
“You’re sweet. I’m going to make sure you kiss me good with those big lips. I’m gonna make you my girlfriend.”
On Tyrell Biggs
Tyson on Tyrell Biggs’ complaining to him about low blows “Low blows? Low blows? Huh! Motherfker you’re fittin’ to die!"
“He was screaming like my wife.”
“I could have knocked him out in the third round but I wanted to do it slowly, so he would remember this night for a long time.”
On His Wife
“I paid a worker at New York’s zoo to re-open it just for me and Robin. When we got to the gorilla cage there was 1 big silverback gorilla there just bullying all the other gorillas. They were so powerful but their eyes were like an innocent infant. I offered the attendant $10,000 to open the cage and let smash that silverback’s snotbox! He declined.”
“Anyone with a grain of sense would know that if I punched my wife I would rip her head off. It’s all lies. I have never laid a finger on her.”
On His Childhood
“One morning I woke up and found my favorite pigeon, Julius, had died I was devastated and was gonna use his crate as my stickball bat to honor him. I left the crate on my stoop and went in to get something and I returned to see the sanitation man put the crate into the crusher. I rushed him and caught him flush on the temple with a titanic right hand he was out cold, convulsing on the floor like a infantile retard.”
On Fans
To a question on whether he feels support from the common fan: “I don’t feel love from them because there’s no love. They don’t know me as an individual; they know me for what I actually do. Because they pay to see me smash anybody. If they’re white they pay, [it’s] because the only thing they have respect for is my ability as an athlete. But if I was in court and I had to use them to testify against me on my character, they wouldn’t testify positively against me and they would think I’m a cad…”
“There are nine million people who see me in the ring and hate my guts. Most of them are white. That’s okay. Just spell my name right.”
"I think the average person thinks I’m a f
king nut and I deserve whatever happens to me. That’s what I believe.”
“When you see me smash somebody’s skull, you enjoy it.”



Those are all very good but you are missing a few key ones.

About why he is so crazy. "“I want to throw down your kid and stomp on his testicles, and then you will know what it is like to experience waking up everyday as me. And only then will you feel my pain.”

Magazine article about his abuse of Robin Givens “One time I punched and she flew across the room. That was the best punch I ever threw in my life.”

In the same article he talks about punching his bet tiger and how its like punching a brick wall. He then goes on to say that he tries to subdue him by punching him in the testicles.

LOL @ The other tyson vid.

OMG… where did these come from?