Anyone care at all?
Kings speech, Colin Firth, Christian Bale, Natalie Portman. Dont care about the rest.
I want to see boobs.
The worst choice always wins at these awards shows. Then everyone bitches and says they’re not watching them any more, then somehow end up doing the same thing the following year. I really don’t watch them or care.
I never see movies in theaters, always wait until they hit netflix or tv so I should try to catch last year or the year befores oscars.
mila kunis
lol @ Melissa Leo F-bombing HARD!! in her speech
Hahah yah that was funny
Can I haz Mila’s boobs? I want.
Lol, it’s already up.
The f-bomb thing wasn’t THAT exciting.
Seems like its been the same 5 movies in every nomination. I never even heard of 127 hours
Still no boobs.
I have heard so much about the kings speech…is it really that good or not really?