The PINKs Project

the letter says july 20th? has this changed?

Somewhat… The shootout with be on the 23-24 at MIR… But on the 20 is when we will be heading down to MIR.

I will be heading down either early the 23rd and late the 21st…

i will take the Durango and i can fit maybe 7 more in the vehicle if anyone is interested

can imake a suggestion… in the second to last paragraph, you really need to change the last sentence… maybe like “company, company, and company will each pick a local charity to which they will donate their share of the proceeds”

or atleast change “there” to “their.” … no one wants to sponsor a bunch of illiterate retards…

I think you guys will like the facility. MIR is my home track and it has a top notch surface. Its in the middle of no where (although there is a hooters on the way out) but the facilty is great.

might be intrested

27861 Budds Creek Rd.
Mechanicsville, MD 20659

Is that the right address for the track?

^ yes

The project is coming along real well…

only because of the help of your donataions…there would be no way we could be as far as we are right now if it hasent been for some members that helped out and threw in a couple extra bucks for the cause!

remeber guys a couple bucks donataion is the key for us to finsih on time…

10-20 may not seem like alot but that 20 bucks could help pay for fuel lines, or for an fittings

appreciate any help you can give


Hey guys-

Just sent ya a cool $20 to help the cause! My brothers wedding is the 22nd down near Ocean City MD, maybe I’ll just shoot over to DC on the 23rd!

so how’s the project coming? How much money have we managed to collect so far?

i want starboy to design me a fetus driving decal for the car from my donation :wink:

damn…had to make a hard decision between the beach and pinks. I chose the beach, good luck guys. :wink:


project is coming along very well,

still a lil short on some cash for some items, the lil ods and ends are what are the killer

Estimate how much $$$ you guys need to finish on time? :cool:

after this weekend we will probably be able to give you a pretty good estimate. SCF want to sponsor??

Picking up tonight?

jeff is down at Domination now to bring it to 1st try for the home stretch!

possibly and a personal donation. lmk what the goal is. The clock is ticking.