The Rex is coming along...

the wheels i bought. they are on the car now but i didnt take new pics yet…

the wheels look SOO NICE on the car. but ill take updated pictures when i get it out the shop and wash it.

very nice, i wish i still had my FB :frowning:

I like those Shoes. Can’t wait to see the results. Nice work.

i cant see the pics…

Very cool. At first I thought this was a WRX thread. Guessing the car will be black when it’s done?

yessir, keeping it black

I was expecting a WRX.

I really like those wheels.

the rims look real nice on there, get some fender flares and your set :slight_smile:

seen the car last week when i visited.

Soo got to break out my turbo II. this summer.

saw these yesterday they look nice


I was expecting a WRX.

I really like those wheels.


I was expecting a CRX.

Look forward to seeing it done, cool car man.

Rex != anything but an RX7

sometimes i miss mine

haha i am waiting to hear, “Rex, i thought this was a mustang thread” lol

Needs a paint job… nice wheels

paint is next on my list


I was expecting a CRX.

Look forward to seeing it done, cool car man.


Yea I was thinking the same thing too, I was like oh great another crx owner calling his car a rex. Are those rota grids? Theres a guy by me who has an 83 which had decent original red paint until he decided to rattle can it flat black and it has the most annoying/loudest fart-can known to man on it. The owners actually a mid to late 30s asian guy.

they are rota grids, but the drift series grids. i dont see many 1st gens around at all. yea my car is flat black cuz the original paint faded so bad.

oooo shiney new alternator!

looks good

those wheels will look killer on that car. what brand are they? :tup:

look good man. :tup: can’t wait to get a closer look.