The run-in with AOL via LiveChat. Too funny!

One of the guys I ride cycles with posted this (it was his chat). I almost feel bad for the guy at the other end, but holy hell I couldn’t keep a straight face. :lol:

Exit 11:34:40 AM System MHI Mhedz has joined this session!
11:34:40 AM System Connected with MHI Mhedz
11:34:44 AM System Hello, steve. Welcome to AOL® Community Action Team Live Help Support. My name is Mhedz.
11:34:48 AM steve hi
11:34:48 AM System steve stated the question or problem as: wtf is that bs all about? i just got kicked off for sending all my friends an e-mail and aol thinks it’s bulk?
11:34:55 AM MHI Mhedz I am pleased to meet you, Steve.
11:35:33 AM steve whats the deal
11:35:35 AM MHI Mhedz I will be glad to provide assistance with your inquiry, and to protect your privacy and security, please allow me to verify your account information first. We can then work to resolve your concern and have you back online in a few minutes.
11:35:45 AM MHI Mhedz What is the master screen name of your account?
11:35:59 AM steve xxxxxx
11:36:48 AM MHI Mhedz Will you please verify your full name for me?
11:36:56 AM steve u realize this is bullshit…i get more spam from my aol e-mail accounts than anywhere, and the one time i try and send an e-mail to all my friends i get booted and have to go through this bullshit
11:37:14 AM steve i’ve been a member for over 10 years
11:37:20 AM MHI Mhedz The use of vulgar words is against the Terms of Service on AOL. If you cannot refrain from the abusive behavior, I will have to terminate this session.
11:37:40 AM steve ya know what…please cancel my membership
11:37:45 AM steve i hate aol
11:38:25 AM MHI Mhedz I am sorry. However, at this time, we do not have access to process your account cancellation request. We have a separate Department with specialists who can assist you with your request.
11:38:35 AM MHI Mhedz I would be glad to provide you the number to call. Do you have a pen handy?
11:38:42 AM steve sure do
11:38:42 AM MHI Mhedz I would be glad to provide you the number to call. Do you have a pen handy?
11:39:04 AM steve soon you will not have a job cuz everyone will figure out aol is junk
11:39:40 AM MHI Mhedz To discuss or cancel your membership with one of our Member Services Representatives please dial 1-888-265-8008 toll free. Our representatives are available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
11:40:11 AM steve thats nice now please get my account fixed so i can get my e-mail
11:41:10 AM MHI Mhedz Will you please verify your full name for me?
11:41:20 AM steve how do i know who you are?
11:41:35 AM steve i’m not even signed on aol in a secure area
11:43:28 AM steve ?
11:43:30 AM steve hello?
11:43:59 AM MHI Mhedz Please understand that we have a required verification process to follow when accessing account information. This is to protect the account privacy and security of our members like you.
11:44:39 AM steve did you protect it when you kicked me offline and disabled my account cuz i sent a e-mail to all of my friends?
11:47:58 AM steve hello?
11:47:59 AM MHI Mhedz Please provide the information to complete our account verification so we can begin processing your request.
11:48:09 AM steve what do you need?
11:48:18 AM steve why does it take so long for you to type?
11:48:19 AM MHI Mhedz Will you please verify your full name for me?
11:48:23 AM steve steve
11:48:26 AM steve xxxxx
11:48:55 AM steve i would have thought aol would hire faster typers
11:49:39 AM MHI Mhedz Can you please provide me the answer to the Account Security Question of the Primary Master Screen Name? Here is the question:
11:49:44 AM MHI Mhedz Where were you born?
11:49:57 AM steve xxxxx
11:50:57 AM steve i could have walked to india and handed you this information faster than you type
11:51:24 AM MHI Mhedz The information you have provided matched what we currently have on file. Thank you very much for helping me verify your account.
11:51:46 AM steve gee thats great…now can you fix it?
11:51:54 AM MHI Mhedz I have reviewed your account records and here is what I have found out for you:
11:52:14 AM steve …
11:52:26 AM steve …
11:52:28 AM steve ?
11:52:29 AM MHI Mhedz The Screen name Sd155racer sent 1 pieces of e-mail to 663 recipients on March 27 which falls outside our Terms of Service.
11:52:40 AM steve what?
11:52:55 AM steve am i not allowed to have 663 friends?
11:52:58 AM MHI Mhedz Is this something that you or another authorized user of your account were aware of?
11:53:04 AM steve thats me
11:53:06 AM steve i did it
11:53:13 AM steve i sent an e-mail to all my friends
11:53:25 AM steve i have lots of friends
11:53:38 AM MHI Mhedz It is very important for all account users to understand the Terms of Service because future violations could result in suspension or termination of the account.
11:53:46 AM MHI Mhedz Once you are back online, you can review the e-mail containing the information about activities deemed unacceptable in our communities so that you won’t have this issue again. You can also visit AOL® Keyword: PRODUCT GUIDELINES.
11:53:49 AM steve how many friends does aol say i am allowed to have?
11:53:59 AM MHI Mhedz In the meantime, please allow me to unlock your account so that you will be able to access your account in no time.
11:54:14 AM steve what?
11:54:20 AM steve what is that all about?
11:54:24 AM MHI Mhedz I am going to unlock your account now, assign a temporary password to each screen name and change your Account Security Question which will allow you back online.
11:54:34 AM MHI Mhedz For account security, we are now able to add either: “What is your pet’s name?” or “What is your favorite restaurant?” as an Account Security Question for your account. This helps insure that we are speaking with the correct owner of the account.
11:54:39 AM MHI Mhedz Have you decided which of the listed questions you would like to set up for your Account Security Question?
11:55:04 AM steve i dont want to change my security question
11:55:11 AM steve just unlock my account
11:55:34 AM MHI Mhedz Thank you for the information. Please allow me a minute to work on unlocking your account and providing you a temporary password to access your account.
11:55:57 AM steve wtf is tha matter with you?
11:56:08 AM steve are you retarded?
11:56:40 AM MHI Mhedz I really would like to help you, but if you cannot refrain from using vulgar words, I will have to terminate this session.
11:56:56 AM steve i did not say anything vulgar
11:57:19 AM steve i asked you a simple question and you can’t even answer it, so i guess you are retarded
11:57:29 AM steve just unlock my account
11:58:00 AM MHI Mhedz I have unlocked your account and reset all the passwords to xxxx for all the screen names in this account. This password is only temporary and will need to be updated upon your next log in to the service.
11:58:05 AM MHI Mhedz I have also sent some education emails with important information about account security. It will explain how to prevent this from happening again.
11:58:10 AM MHI Mhedz Is there anything else that I can help you with?
11:58:29 AM steve yes please
11:58:44 AM MHI Mhedz To completely resolve this issue, please call us directly at 1-877-773-4462.
11:59:00 AM steve can you explain how many e-mails i am allowed to send at one time?
11:59:25 AM MHI Mhedz AOL does not have a preset maximum allowable number of e-mails that an AOL® member may send. In addition, there is no specific answer to when the Community Action Team (CAT) may flag a member’s account for sending unsolicited e-mail.
11:59:30 AM MHI Mhedz Individuals sending unsolicited bulk e-mail may try a variety of methods to avoid detection. Therefore, AOL’s rules for flagging accounts and the filters AOL uses are complex and proprietary.
11:59:44 AM MHI Mhedz I have sent some education emails with important information about account security. It will explain how to prevent this from happening again.
12:00:45 PM MHI Mhedz You still need to call the number I have given you to completely resolve this matter.
12:01:03 PM steve what the fuck?
12:01:12 PM steve what good are you?
12:01:30 PM MHI Mhedz I’m sorry, but I will now have to terminate this session.
12:01:35 PM MHI Mhedz Thank you for visiting AOL® Live Help. If you need help again, visit AOL® Keyword: LIVE HELP and we’ll be here to assist you. You can also try visiting AOL Keyword: HELP to find solutions to some of the issues you may have on the AOL® service.
12:01:35 PM System MHI Mhedz has left this session!
12:01:35 PM System The session has ended!


haha nice, ya they do suck

rofl, the prank is on him for still using AOL…

11:48:55 AM steve i would have thought aol would hire faster typers
11:49:39 AM MHI Mhedz Can you please provide me the answer to the Account Security Question of the Primary Master Screen Name? Here is the question:
11:49:44 AM MHI Mhedz Where were you born?
11:49:57 AM steve xxxxx
11:50:57 AM steve i could have walked to india and handed you this information faster than you type

:lolham: i could not stop laughing when i read that

11:55:34 AM MHI Mhedz Thank you for the information. Please allow me a minute to work on unlocking your account and providing you a temporary password to access your account.
11:55:57 AM steve wtf is tha matter with you?
11:56:08 AM steve are you retarded?
11:56:40 AM MHI Mhedz I really would like to help you, but if you cannot refrain from using vulgar words, I will have to terminate this session.
11:56:56 AM steve i did not say anything vulgar
11:57:19 AM steve i asked you a simple question and you can’t even answer it, so i guess you are retarded

lol at that too





This will be a good place to start:

Work your way up, then come back to this thread. You’ll eventually get it.

Best of luck!

Messing with bots was cool back when I was like 9.
Here is a good place to start:
Work your way up, then come back to this thead. You’ll eventually get it.

Best of luck!

Lol, Hey Jim, it’s the internet. Welcome.

FYI, that wasn’t a bot. It’s utilizing LivePerson , though I’m sure the agent used common responses, it was still a person on the other end.

Go outside, it’s nice out.

AOL is garbage, but as doing tech support myself I laugh at that it. Although I am sure 663 emails did yield a flag I know ours is 99/hr or 999/24 hours.

Honestly who uses aol anymore lol.

reminds me of back in the day when my dad had aol. My brother was in a aol chat room and inviting people to a keg party. AOL then suspended the account because they don’t condone underage drinking or something like that.
I never liked AOL

I would say to go outside as well… but in your case I guess you should go… Tanning… ehem cough fag cough

OMG you pwned me. You win! :lol:

P.S. Take the cock out of your mouth and you’ll stop coughing. :gay:

I’m tellin ya dude, it’s nothing but bustin’ chops on my end, it’s the internet, but if you want to keep butting heads, believe me, I get a kick out of it.

…and yes, I’ll keep posting witty images with every lame, but humorous, reply you make.