just got this email

Subject:PM Performance CLOSEDDate:10/11/2007 12:04:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight TimeFrom:mark.paradowski@citigroup.comReply To:To:![http://nyspeed.com/forums/aoldbimg:online](http://nyspeed.com/forums/aoldbimg:online)nitroinsane@aol.
It was fun while it lasted. Thanks for the support guys


Subject:PM Performance CLOSEDDate:10/11/2007 12:04:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight TimeFrom:mark.paradowski@citigroup.comReply To:To:![http://nyspeed.com/forums/aoldbimg:online](http://nyspeed.com/forums/aoldbimg:online)nitroinsane@aol.

however i call bs because i never talk to mark nor would he email me to tell me this

yea i got one too :roll2:


Last I heard there was truth to that statement…and that Paul now owns the shop exclusively.

At least thats how landmissle explained it so idk…nor do I really care.

wow… just wow.

seriously, why do people just keep looking for reasons to get their asses kicked.

unfucking real childishness.


nm its to easy

i heard you are a pussy lol:lolsign:

in on page 1

edit: and I call sherm spoofing his email address :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry im a little beyond spoofing an email address…Not to mention you can check the headers and see what email server it came from…

word. i’ve heard that too, but never to my face…

and jesus christ sherm you stupid fuck, can you at least spell the word TOO the right way? that’s like… 2nd grade material. maybe you should give up on being the internet wannabe racer hero and pickup an elementary school spelling book…

thanks I never knew that… however would probably work on almost anyone here.

And the funny thing about that is…I make more money then you :lol:

you do huh? i guess that would explain why you’re so baller and cool? lmfao.

jesus, even newman is sweeter than you.

I forgot how much of a little tike you are :rofl:

I found it entertaining that you would come over and attempt to talk shit…your welcome for not having you removed.

Don’t worry I will be “watching out”

“Hi my name is super duper intraweb tuff guy. I will PWN you cause you talk the smack about me car. Do you want to see my muscles? I lift weights and beat up old ladies twice a day. If you make me mad on the intraweb i will get you.”- Try that next time i like it better.