The S gets more ass then I do! PICS

haha. you’re jealous.

guys want to be me, women want to be with me.


actually i dont hate you, i guess more of just dislike your “internet personality” since i’ve never met either of you in real life. Beck is just annoying because he seems to actually believe the bullshit he spews all over this forum


Lets go to Pano’s tonight, and come up with a plan, on how we can get Red Dawg to like us.

that’s not gonna happen.

does he have a sister?

such as, the fact that i was licking vag the second i came out of my mother?

literally, i stuck my tongue out, on my way out, and coped a lick. :tup:

actually i do, but she’s waaay to old for beck to even consider.

Fuck. Now when we go to Philly meets, we will have to watch our backs.


what is she like 20 :lol:

motherfucker, you don’t even know me.

but just for the pics and humiliation, i would do it.

i’m not saying im going to kick your ass or do anything to you, i just dont like you and i doubt anything will ever change that.

Lets just have a Red Dog Power hour and everybody will forget about this thread.



Unless you’re this guy…I’m not worried.


you’re right i dont know you, its your “nyspeed” personality or whatever you want to call it is what annoys me. If you’re completely different in reallife then cool, but if not then oh well. no loss to me not having you as a friend.

I’m not worried about you beating me up.

You don’t seem that pathetic.

yeah thats too old for beck :lol:

i have no idea who that is

I f’ed a 23 year old pornstar once.
