The S gets more ass then I do! PICS

yup i added the one.

If i totally bone this chick…

as i blow my load, i will scream out “87conquesttsi.”

it because of him, this is even a reality.


but I still cant picture taking off your girls jeans in the back of a civic hatch with company being very much fun. My domestic may look like a grand prix but the back seat > *.

Ok, I know I’m cool.

So I’m going to go ahead and agree with pathetic.

true story

keyword being MOST, and on the topic of spelling grammer just because your getting kind of annoying here it would have been you’re not “youre” the form you used to talk shit about my use of a word.


Priorities my friend, priorities. If your all about bang’n slut bags cuz you gotta bust a nut due to not having a girl friend…then ya DO IT. But when your in a relationship you dont wanna fook up like the past, then mabye your actions will change. WELL atleast I hope they would. All I know is if my girl told a guy she didnt have a bf when she did and she banged him out…ID KILL SOMEONE. And if a guy continued to go after my girl after she said she had a boyfriend, HE’D BE DEAD.

Dude if you want her, go for it. All im saying is look what happened at the car show. NOT, oh sit I f’d up my chances with these/this girl. If I wanted to I could have banged them.

Either way you look at it, the kid in girl pants comes out a loser…he’s wearing girl pants. THATS LIKE SAYING…im handicap and cant do shit BUT hot nurses bathe me 1 a week…your still a handicap at the end of the day. SO…do as you wish

the highschool is strong in this thread

wearing girls pants, and being handicapped are hardly comparable.

who cares about what someone wears? you shouldn’t judge them. isn’t that what the good book teaches?

i like the look/feel of girls jeans. and the girls that i find attractive, also find that attractive. so its a win, win situation.

plus in the morning, it takes a second to figure out who’s jeans, belong to who. :wink:

and you bet your ass that jesus shared jeans with mary magdalene.


hey… respond to mah PM nukka

Nah i wasnt juding I just said I never understood it. A friend of mine does it and I still chill with him, I just dont get it. ANYWAYS they didnt have jeans back then :smash2:

lol… i still can’t believe anyone cares about the girls pants thing.

i dont think that will ever get old, what if i had huge pecks…would it be cool if i wore a bra? Just wondering cuz when I run they kinda get in the way

i cant believe this got past 100 posts

people on this forum hold on to EVERYTHING



i don’t give a shit about what anyone else wears on this forum. (although i have seen some pretty rediculously horrendous looking outfits)

and the amount that i hate both you and newman just rose a little more



that means i’m doing my job.

ps- who the fuck are you?

i mean besides the coolest cat east of the mississippi