Russ, I don’t think you get back quite yet. if they are 18, they are too old for him. lol
She might be coming to the bbq.
and well… even if she is trashy…i don’t mind.
she sent me a message.
“good thing you have a thing for underage girls…cause im underage.”
and shes better looking than the broads most of you guys play with.
lol. i’m guessing russ already tried sabotaging beck and i… but i’ve been added…
HAHAHA, you wish bro
and no newman, I didnt try sabotaging you guys. Though it does sound, I dont cock block shit I dont want. BTW, dont tell her your my friend and send her a pic JUST to start up convo…elementary man
ugg you guys can have all the skank hoes, please take them. I like my girls clean.
lol…i am craftier than you can ever dream. this is where i shine. lol.
Is it crafty? or is it because you drive an elise and wear the same pants as her?
why would i wish that you would hook up with better looking girls?
Trust me. I know this forum.
They make fun of girls, and cars that are totally better than what they have.
LOL too funny. I never understood why guys wore girls pants. I could never tuck my balls up into my ass. Doesnt work for me.
So… you just leave them at home?
Cause I’m assuming if you had them at S&R you would have banged both those chicks.
I’m gonna have to concurr with beck on this one. I’ll give you the one that came with her boyfriend, but getting the friend after they initiate it and throw themselves at your car should be like playing little league football with 3rd graders. Plus, the fact that the friend had a guy made it worse, no girl wants to be the one that stands around watching her friend.
its not her boyfriend. they aren’t serious. he didn’t even investigate into the matter.
or maybe she told him it was her boyfriend? :ohnoes:
boyfriend or no boyfriend. she still would have been slammed.
What’s the greater fuckup sign, not having the S2000 3some after it was placed in your lap, or being the guy that girls lie about having a boyfriend to?
I’m gonna have to go with… losing both the race, and the girl to the kid in girls pants.
Nuh uh.
Red Dawg. The coolest motherfucker on here, already deemed this thread pathetic.