The S gets more ass then I do! PICS

its all about “the force”.

the forced used to hold them down, and have sex with them against their own will.

you actually have that much force? you’re like a twig. Kudos to the :snky: muscles

i’ve only got one :snky: muscle.

and by the time they see/feel it.

its too late.

i know them.blonde is a real bitch and kinda stuck up, and i wasent in school when the other moved here so i never got the chance.Her ass is kinda gross too


I dont know take a pic of before and after and then ill tell you

lmao…way to ruin russ’ thread

Their both gross :frowning:

youre spelling sucks


shes real gross :bloated:

shes outstanding.

i take back everything bad i have ever said.

i might just put a rock on her hand.

post of the fuckin day.

And a sock in her mouth?

shes not that great in person but still doable minus the diseases.Those pics give her way to much credit.Sorry beck

:rofl: LOL!


ohh i’m sorry beck “They’re” like it’s so important(i’m moving to Florida tomorrow and leaving everything i’ve ever known. Basically have alot on my mind so fuck spelling k)… personally like I said before I think she’s gross.

if you dont mind, what you goin down to florida for? My friends leavin the 14 to go to UTI in orlando florida. Im leaving in a month to go to OTC in cleveland for 2 years and its gonna be wierd because ive lived here for the past 18 years.

YEA…I mean fucking 6 guys already, you know in Cali her legs were open more then 7/11 is.

Dude that pic of her with GI-NOR-MIS tata’s is tre’ fake. When she got in my car I was like steller…but once I zoomed in on the chest I was like where are the tata’s. ANYWHO Beck, seeing that your avitar says “U 18 YET” ya cant touch her for a yr…by that time she’ll be a walking sore. UNLESS you hit it now and add to the mayham. EITHER WAY, do as you wish. BUT I wouldnt/wont touch that.

Her friend was kinda bitchy…kindy. Before I shut the door I asked if she wanted to get in, I hate nothing more then opening and closing doors, but she was like “gee gosh I just leaned on your hood” im like shit you dont have to, im wondering if you wanted to. So she got in and was like. OMG IT FEELS SO NICE…yeeeea biotch S2 seats are pimp!

Anyway her BF is gay cuz his wheelies are weak…check it:
My little bro hits them higher on his trike

Check out these pics posted on her account:
see she aint that fat just squint your eyes a bit and have a beer
ALTHOUGH, them tree trunk legs chocking me out worse then an aniconda would be AMAZING!

UUUUUUGH, i see no elise :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m going down for money bro, everything I have going on here is down over the phone. The area that i’m moving to has three new malls going up in the next 6 months, so that means many many small kiosks that would be perfect to sell to. Also on that topic, I’m probably going to end up in retail sales management being paid to hit on women all day it’s really the perfect job for the time being in my eyes.