The S gets more ass then I do! PICS

pics of the dark shirted girl outta the car? get em, doooo it

one of the girls had this dudes bike in her photos…

his wheelies is gaabage… 6 inch wheelies on a ratty old gixxer FTL… lame


both cars are completely unattractive. idiot girls. lol

haha, if i was a girl, if my pic ever got posted on a forum i’d kill myself.

yeah, seriously, i’d rather see a pic of her throwing up on a POS 'maro

the girl in the pink put the s on like it was pants

HAHAA Id be pissed if my pic got posted…but then again they shouldnt care cuz they got myspace so OH WELL

I almost didnt post them cuz I figured someone might know them, but i was like NAAAH the world aint that small. Guess i was wrong

I would not have let those broads touch my car. And my car sucks…

Hey theyll never know so who cares?not me

So you know them from HS or you banged them?^

^ lol

This thread is a newman/beck Eiffel tower in the making.

Id be pissed if some ugly broad did put her hands on my car and stuck her ass out

Oh boy shelby.


who is this beck you speak of

I know newman now but…wheres beck and whats he got.
BESIDES a little black book w/ a list of numbers!

haha, looks and a bit of charm?

I’m beck.

And my sole reason for waking up in the morning is to fuck dumpy broads from myspace.

me and newman, we will strike again.

sanitary switch?!?!

please teach me, jedi master of internet skanks.

fuck yeah.